All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, February 03, 2005 I am actually enjoying Carnival music this year..which is odd cus I have never paid it any sorta mind before. Maybe it's the Trini in me coming out. :S I mentioned this startling fact to Marcus awhile back and he gave me the thumbsdown. So clearly IHO Carnival music sucks. But I like it!!! I can't lie and say I don't!! Mummy insists that if I still lived in TnT I would be playing Mass like the "rest of the heathens." She loves to speculate at how different I would be had I not come to live in Barbados. Oh what does she know anyway. But when I think about it tho I seem to have seriously disowned there tho cus I hsven't been there in ages. And every year ppl head down there for Carnival. Clearly a trip back "home" is in order.

Not this year tho. This year is London with my nieces to see the rest of the family.

I dunno boh these days my back been doing a number on me. I know it's stress tho cus when I get unusually stressed out it flares up. And these next few months are not going to be easy cus our biggest client is just making our lives hell. I cried last night I was so tired and out of it. But I was back in here today ready to take that bull by the horns...but it ran me through again. Tomorrow like it gin be the same again dread.

I am here looking at these comps....they really need two of these here tho? No one uses em....and I want a comp dammit. Like that'll ever happen. *eyeroll*

Oh on a funnier note I was "priviledged" to see a male version of Rhonda's snowball lady. I found it hilarious and didn't feel threatened in the least since his shirt had a fair amount of sleeve on it :D It was creepy still tho...

I am craving pasta from Bistro Monet...Ms Pitt is to blame for this :@


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