All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What on earth is there to blog about...oh yes there is a new strain of HIV/AIDS that apparently speeds up the dying process so basically the infected person only lives for about 6 months. What the hell. If this doesn't get ppl to keep their clothes on then I don't know what will. Then again why fool myself. Sexual promiscuity is all the rage these days. I am all for abstinence but I am not totally naive cus I realise that yes there are some ppl out there who too love a piece and just can't seem to do without it. So to these sex obsessed individuals I would urge them to use a condom. It makes me mad you know. That so many lives are being lost cus ppl either can't control themselves or just stupidly believe that they aren't at risk!!
God I can only pray they get the msg now.

In lesser conflicting news but STILL very important to me...Naruto...*I takes a deep shuddering breath* ...has been licensed. Two fella ticks just msged me with the news. These goons are going to mess up this show as I know it. Ick it's going to be in total English now. Don't ask me why I prefer Japanese with English subtitles. I just DO. Well apparently Anbu and some underground groups have vowed to continue with their versions of Naruto...these losers that got it licensed are gonna turn this into another travesty like Sailor Moon or something.Like Ian was saying the only way this cud work now is if they had to change the name when the time skip occurs THEN it would be legal to sub it again. But wuh dem gin change de name to eh?
Alotta damn foolishness. STUUUUUUUUUPSE!

Today was Boo's birthday and I got him this CD he's been wanting forever. However instead of staying at home like a good best friend would he decide to go classes. The nerve of that boy!! Messing with my flow man!!

This protest thing at UWI is something else tho...I am here hearing about how ppl went around stopping classes and banging on Mr Beckles' door. Peppah.

Honestly tho...they could really tell the students what they're going to do with the money to put their minds to rest. Still tho 700 dollars is chicken feed compared to what you pay for Uni's outside of Bim. If they're asking students to pay that money in installments then I honestly don't know what the big deal is. If they're asking em to pay it one time....well.... Granted I don't go to UWI so I may not know the full story so maybe someone can enlighten me.

I sleepy as france. Bedtime!!


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