All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's funny how people are. Why is it that we never want what could be good for us because we seem to prefer what is bad for us? How often have ALL of us had a guy or girl who nothing but sweet to us, yet rejected them in favour of of the person who eventually breaks our heart because we just happen to prefer the more "aggressive" type.

What a load of garbage. Well you know what? If you prefer a more aggressive man or woman then why get shocked and angry when things turn sour and the aggressiveness and bitterness becomes more than you can handle?Whose fault is it really? I might get licks for that but think about it honestly and then consider if it deserves blasting.

Moving on..... look. I'm just in a real BAD mood which sucks cus I was in a real good mood over the weekend. Then it's like oh come back to the real world and oh look! The idiots I left are still here AND they're STILL idiots.

I wish I could be calmer...I wish people would stop calling here constantly.....and I really wish my vacation would hurry up and come.

Nothing makes me happier than being with kids. Adults are so....evil. Kids are sweet, they're fun, they're playful....they go to sleep when they're told lol....

Boy oh boy was this disjointed.


Blogger rhonda said...

Girl i tell you stop harassing yourself with other ppl's baggage! (Unless of course you're talking about your own situation *blush*)

Kids really are the BEST! Lets open up a daycare and make money off em! LOL

1:26 PM

Blogger Spidude said...

You just have to accept that people are selfish and stupid. And dont get me started on women.... :)

And yes kids are fun, but you only dealing with rentals... with till you have your own.. then see how much fun they are :)

6:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If i had said this you would told me that i just bitter


5:05 PM

Blogger Leelee said...

I've got LOADS of happy pills...I gine write your a prescription...

9:38 PM

Blogger Ana said...

ahahahaa thanks lizzle. yeah girl you always on some sorta high :)

Rhonda I will not indulge any of your money making schemes....unless this is a 50/50 thing then you're on! :D

Spi I still wanna babysit for your wuh gine happen? :P

and ARE bitter but that's why I love ya :) *huggz*

10:01 AM


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