All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

You ever felt so tired and wasted that you literally could not keep your balance? And between the hours of 8 - 4.30 you're moving lightning fast but after that you're dead to the world?

This truly has been the week from hell. I'm just feeling so listless and drained and totally not my usual chipper happy go lucky self (cease that laughing this instant!)

Maybe I'm just in need of coffee?

I'm feeling unfulfilled. Like basically I've done nothing with my life that I have wanted to. No uni, no degree no nothing that I wanted by the time I was 22. It seems all my friends are busy getting their degrees in subjects they love and I am here slaving my life away on a job that should I die tomorrow (Heaven forbid) that I will be replaced in no time and it's not like anyone would flinch! I mean sure everyone is all like "Mel this" and "Baby girl that" "Sweetness pass me a CD" but honestly life would go on ya know?

Cripes I so tired I'm overthinking every damn thing. :(


Blogger Splint said...

sorry to hear love

yes, you may be overthinking things there a bit.

As long as you have a goal to work towards to, dont obsess over where other people are on the path to their own.

And lastly, when you plan to show me this cheerful persona that you are alluding to.

8:17 AM

Blogger M. said...

Here's what to do. Start uni part time or something... think of something you REALLY want to do here in Bim and DO IT! :| And don't let those ppl there kill you.

And you are not happy-go-lucky.

8:25 AM

Blogger Spidude said...

Chin up Missy.

Lean not unto your own understanding.

Carry your situation to God in prayer and wait for the answer.

Remember Jer 29:11-13

8:43 AM

Blogger rhonda said...

Trust WILL happen for you too...but when the time is right! I used to feel the same way.

2:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

think everybody feels this way from time to time, I sure as hell do. Just try to keep in mind that everybody moves at their own pace and once you're committed, in time you'll reach and surpass the goals you've set yourself...

4:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl.

do what is best for u at the time best for u.


8:09 PM


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