All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And these things come to me ....y?

On the way home from work yesterday I ran into my Uncle gf's in town. She clearly was in the gossiping mood so I obliged her for about 45 mins while she poured out her heart to me. These Trini's is something else. The whole of town could hear her problems. Stupse anyway.

So as we stood there talking this homeless guy walks up to as and asks for some money, "please" he said "my foot brek and I need some money." Now his foot could have just had some sorta defect from birth for all I know but to my untrained eye the funny angle at which his foot was bent did look like it was broke and was healing incorrectly.

And that really bothered me. It got me to thinking about something I wondered about for a long time. Just HOW do people become homeless. I mean for me if I lost my job or whatever I still have my parent's home to go back to....or I have my aunts (don't mind they run my blood to water) and both my uncles. Then there's the other set of parents in St Vincent as well as aunty Jill.....

How can things become so bad in someone's life that they have nowhere else to turn but the streets? I simply cannot fathom it.

Sometimes I think pride plays a role...maybe they just don't want to admit that they need help and would rather disappear off the face of the earth before asking for the assistance they need....

I mean how would you feel to be walking the streets and butt up on ur homeless cousin? Like you could have done something? Offered some shelter? A loan? Something?

Of course the circumstances matter....they might be doing drugs...who wants to give money to a drug addict....or let them in your house for them to sell it from under your nose....nothing is ever black and white is it...

Regardless tho....I don't think I could ever allow anyone in my family to be homeless....not until I'd exhausted every option I had to help them.

Stuff like that depresses the hell out of me.

I wish ppl would stop asking me if I spoke at the PEP meeting a few weeks ago. Clearly there is another M. Young out there. DUH.

3 launches coming up. Work: 3 Mel: 0

Vacation is slipping from my grasp yet again.

New York is looking likely once again. :) Jase and Barrie watch out. King's Plaza for movies again dammit. Da Vinci Code or wuh?

Oh yes.

RENT was amazing. I love musicals. As in I LOVE them. I can't stop singing the opening song and my coworker won't stop telling me off for singing the "gay" song.

You know what? I certainly don't agree with homosexuality but the point is life goes on regardless so what is the use in crying down people? State your case. No you don't agree. But it's their life they are living and try as you might you cannot make people change. Change starts from within. Not from constant nagging outside. Save your energies for something other than condemning people.

Casanova was also the bomb. Heath IS the future father of my children....well of one at least....Jason Statham will father the other two. That's right chick (she knows who she is) I tekking he! :P

But yes I digress. It was a really sweet story. Legendary whore of Venice turned good guy when he found his true love. If only the story were applicable to men in general. It ROCKED.

That's enuff blab for now.

Boo's birthday is coming up. I would take him out but a certain lady might have on him lockdown :) Love you Boo.

Have a good day y'all.


Blogger RaiSER said...

lust is ur favourite sin no?

11:38 PM

Blogger Ana said...

I don't see what's so funny about that. Seriously. What is the big joke?

9:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dat is nuff men you want to get breed by tho

/shakes head

1:13 PM

Blogger Ana said...

ROFL!!! I KNOOOOOW you woulda come wid something so!

1:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


somebody had to say it

1:58 PM

Blogger Piggles said...

RaiSER said...

lust is ur favourite sin no?

s u s m i c e

As you said Banana, there are extenuating circumstances, and I speak from personal experience on that one.

8:38 PM

Blogger Sophia Pitt-Browne said...

Heath Ledger is not sexy at all.
This message is brought to you by the Society for the Truly Sexy.

Thank You

9:00 AM

Blogger RaiSER said...

im not going to tell marcus that he is near the top of that list for sophie.. cause that would be selling out my dear pal sophie.. and rhonda might block and raise skirt for she man..

what i WILL do right now is flee the country. -_-

5:28 PM

Blogger Spidude said...

dangerous boh

5:32 PM

Blogger Daanz said...

I have to agree with the Society spokesperson Suffie: Heath doesn't do it for me. I dunno...I think it's his's just way too "heathy"!

Oh man...I wanna watch Rent!

11:23 AM

Blogger Ana said...

Yea me and Suffie had it out on Friday over that remark lol...

Man I admit he ain the buffest fella around but he IS cute. and plus he has that mole on his cheek. *sigh*

Daanz ya gotta explain to me how someone looks "heathy" tho lol...

2:22 PM

Blogger rhonda said...

Block fa what!! LOL..i agreed wid she...except he's at the tippity top of my sexy list. :)

Govan you dangerous bad though!

12:01 PM


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