All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Not quite Cloud 9...

...but definitely getting there.

Today could have been horrible but I sat myself down for 5 mins and reasoned with myself. I am nor will I ever be Super Woman. Which means that as much as you pressure and hound me I can only do so much with the hours in my work day...and more often than not hours outside of my work day. It's gotten so bad that it's normal for me to leave work at 9 in the evening...Daddy hasn't gotten used to it tho...the other night I got home at around 12 which is far later than my normal he walks up to my bedroom door yesterday, looks at me with extreme disdain and says, "Whatever you're doing...don't think you can hide...I know what you're up to. You can't hide."

Dammit. Now I have to hide and do my work so he won't know. *weeps wretchedly* Such a paranoid old bat when he's ready lol...still love him tho. *shrugs* What can you do?

Well one more day til relative freedom...there's bound to be some sorta backlash hates to be left out but in order to get to the more important stuff you have to shove some ppl outta the way to get it sorted out ya know...and yet...I can just see my boss wanting to know why this wasn't done even tho he knows you were crying blood, sweat and tears to pull off some seriously impossible tasks...ah LORD.

It seems like my life has just become work...It's honestly really sad...I love my job but not when it is like this...all this backbiting and he said she said do this do that. I can't take it ya know. I just like my life peaceful.

Anyways...tomorrow should be the last day we have to deal with all of this mess. Everything should be out of here and over the rainbow and I can have a peaceful night's rest without the images of lightbox posters, business cards, price tags and product descriptions dancing in my head. *sigh* Oh Saturday how I long to see you lol...

The plan for the ladies in our building is to go salsa dancing (ha) since one of the girl's upstairs is a salsa teacher! Of course if I go I am going to observe. I dunno who they fooling atol....

An early week of vacation is the order for next year...might head up Trinidad since I haven't seen my Tanty (that's Aunty for you less educated ppl :P) and Madelle and Padelle and my hundreds of cousins in some years...keep saying I gotta go but I never do go...ain't that terrible?

I'm tired...I dunno if you can tell...I've rambled quite a bit in this blog...

Harry Potter next week. Little bright spark in my life...George is right ya know...the marketing wizardry at teens thing really isn't such a good idea...but I figure i'm an adult (for the most part) I can enjoy a movie for what it is...just a filim...I'm not gonna go and cast spells George so relax :P

Oh and that fraud Kimme is in the island. Yes I outted your behind. It's about time you told ppl you were here...Honestly if I wasn't otherwise occupied the other night when you called me I'd have been very pissed that you waited so long to call me. :P. We're going to see Potter on Wednesday so make sure you're ready in time. Damn fraud like you :P

Neways...bookings to be done and work to be proofed. Latas ppl.


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