All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm seriously depressed. This week is going awful. These bloody relatives of mine won't stop calling my blasted name in bare friggin foolishness. That child won't stop carrying back tales to people who gin turn around and do the same thing to her in a couple years AND this damn phone won't stop ringing! Office hours end at 4 30! Stop calling!


Small bright spark in my life...Harry Potter is coming out next week. Convinced one of my movie buddies to come with me :) Now gotta work on the other one. He got time to find the 20 bucks so no excuses ^eyeroll^ Trailers and clips look hilarious. Ron's hair looks fabulous. I just want to run my hands through it. Unfortunately he's below the age of consent and that might just get me in trouble. George on the other hand...hmmm... LOL. I know I know...I'm's the stress I tell you.

Could someone please bring me a plate of fries and some ketchup?? *sigh*

Meeting at 8 30 in the morning. Why these ppl don't understand that I am busy with a million other things and ain really bout seeing them? Blasted obnoxious pissants.

Old Year's night is still sometime away but I hope I have to work that night...yeah odd huh? Well all I ever do on Old Year's is church and it's pretty much the same thing all the time right. Start the new year right etc. Can't we just have a some sorta party instead of all the talk? And in any case I'm not a fete person so I wasn't gonna stay home from church so I could go to a fete. Money wasted the way I see it. So I prefer to babysit. I get to watch TV while the kid sleeps and if their parents are partiers then I won't be going home til about 3 or so in the morning...and considering I'd have started around 8 or so...well that's a good bit of money. Don't talk about if they're drunk and don't realise what they're tipping you oh laus....God bless the tourists LOL

*sigh* I have filing to do....and tearsheets to pull...but I just wanna go home :)

At least tomorrow's Friday...'s very possible it's a good thing but these days it's the downfall of too many people...

I miss my sister :)



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