All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


It's been an eventful week in my little world...wish I could share it all but you don't talk out your business. :) I finally managed to do something I've been meaning to do for some time...but I was stuck in a comfort zone and just could not get myself to move. It took a real nasty conversation with a family member of all ppl to get me to do it...but hey after that there was no turning back.

I really just want to be happy...but it sucks that the things in life which have the potential to make me happy are also wrong for me...isn't that just like life? To present you with something that can actually provide you some happiness...and then it turns out to be very brief? Common sense would tell you to avoid it right? In favour of long term happiness. But what do you do in the meantime? Life is so so so very confusing sometimes!

And again I find myself in the position where friends of mine are causing themselves drama...and I am trying my best to help and yet stay out of it at the same time...what's that all about eh?

So I have stopped eating meat. When I told my mom all she said was "Oh lovely. More meat for the rest of us." I've been hearing that ALL week. Anyway so far so good. If I make this week I am sure I can do another...I wonder if this will help me lose some weight! That would be fantastic really....

I honestly wish life were easier....I think then I would be happier.


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