All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The horseback riding was amazing. Quite frankly when I saw the creatures up close for the first time it jumped me. I never realised how huge those things are! And the thing is it's not like we were even using very big least that is what the instructor told us. Nehoos we took an hour's ride through some seriously muddy fields. Horses tried to stop numerous times to eat the grass but we did as we were told and pulled the head back up, gave it a kick and continued on. Apparently for a group of first-timers we were pretty damn good and nearly beat the record time back which was set by a group of experienced riders. How cool was that?? There was much cheering and congratulations going on between us and the other tourists who were also in the group that day.

My thighs tho...Good Lord. I tell ya we were all shifting in our seats trying to get used to the feeling of having those muscles moving under you. Um ain easy atol. But eventually you settle...eventually.

Oh my horse was named Brooke. Gorgeous chestnut mare. SO well behaved. I think I fell in love with her LOL. All I could say after today is...cha I want a horse...but just thinking about how expensive taking care of one of those is, is enough to make you change your some extent.

Neways after the ride it was back to my place to get some fresh clothes and shoes...cus that mud is not easy. My sneakers look horrendous. So clothes, DVD player and some random DVD's later we went shopping got some more stuff for the weekend and it was back to the house.

Was it just me or was the heat on Saturday absolutely ridiculous? Good Lord man it was terrible. Had one of the ppl in our party ready to faint. Had to get them some lunch and back to their room quickfast before they went down dread. Made it just in time!

Spent the rest of the day with Boo's ex woman :P We talked non stop. This is one girl that I can not see her for months, but when we do see each other...just try prying us apart. Talked from around 2 until 11 then passed out in one of the rooms with the A/C blasting. Woke up around 1 30 because a crazy person texted me *massive eyeroll* hauled my ride's butt outta bed and got home mussee about 1/2 half ago. I am so damn tired but I had to put the memory of this day somewhere that I could look back at it and remember it. It was a truly fantastic day. Has me feeling so good I just offered to take my two nieces on the horse riding tour before the summer special is out because all I could thing of on the trip was "Rasheeda and Gabby would love this. My mother would just freak out. LOL"

I get paid next week so shall see. Nehoos the fun continues tomorrow after Church so who knows I might have more to blog. WHOO HOO!!

Laters all!


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