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Friday, August 05, 2005

Males avert your eyes.

So I've made some progress where this weight loss thing is concerned....well sorta. I haven't lost any weight as yet but I've realised I was making the problem bigger than it was.

See I was there telling myself that I need to lose x amount of pounds so I can be somewhat satisfied with my body. Which of course i DO need to do. But you looking at it collectively it seemed like such a giant task and so daunting that even tho I had started the gym whatever results I was getting did not seem enough. And then more babysitting hours popped up and it was bye bye gym and hello opporunity for a trip to New York lol....

Anyway I've realised that looking at it collectively is not a good thing at all. So I am going to take this thing and break it down into stages. So...I am just going to concentrate on losing 10 pounds at first...then another 10 and so on and so forth til I reach my desired weight. See 10 pounds does not seem as daunting as the original x I was thinking about. I can do 10 pounds for sure!

Anyway...that's a part of the brilliant weight loss just to figure out the rest of it. Any suggestions? Dont tell me about stop over-eating cus the only meals I eat in a day are lunch and on rare occasions dinner. And I hardly snack. And when I do snack it's some sorta fibre based snack. But I heard that eating less might actually make things eating more is the solution? egad!

Well here's to hoping that I lose that first 10 pounds and soon. Please ppl any weight loss tips you can give me would me much much much appreciated.


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