All bow to the Queen!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hahahaha blogger has this new feature where you can see blogs that were recently updated. How cute is that?

Neways ...onto why I came here. I was wondering to myself...about how I would like to talk to alot of the males and ask them a question. And that question would be "When last did your heart skip a beat because of a girl's personality and intellect and not her body?" Does that sound silly? If so then just pause for a sec and think...

It's said to be a well known fact that males think with their lower half more so than their top half...but why is that?

It's understandable that first impressions are normally based on appearances since hey that IS the first thing you see when you meet a person....but I wonder...if you had a choice..and this goes to males and females...would you choose the beautiful banging body without a brain or the not so attractive body with a mind and who can carry on a conversation? Why is it that the majority of the times it's the former that wins out? Does everything have to be about appearances?


I just finished re-watching Mona Lisa Smile...the only artsy type film I have in my pitiful DVD collection lol...I doubt guys would like's really a chick flick. It's a film that follows an art teacher's year of teaching at a very conservative university...where the girls are pretty much biding their time until they are married. I mean these are really intelligent girls but all that is expected..or required of them is to get married, have kids and build a home their husband can be proud of. Well this teacher Katherine played by Julia who is what would have been called feminist in that day, sought to show them that it is possible to have a career AND family...but an ironic twist...was that she only had a career :) Beautiful movie nonetheless.

It's got a fantastic cast too. Brilliant performances by Juila Roberts (Katharine), Julia Stiles (I LOVE her), Kirsten Dunst and Maggie Gyllenhaal (who is the sister of Jake who is Kirsten's love interest :) fun Hollywood fact)


These people at the club have had my money for ages now...and I am running low on cash...not funny at all :s


And yes Boo....I still blog :)


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