All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Right now the only thing that seems to matter to me is how pissed off I am. It's almost like I can't see past the fact that we are meant to be such good friends...all I can see is that she is using another stupid silly power game. I want to say something...I started too...til he hit me with the "But this is something I've always wanted...y is it that when I finally decide I want something that someone tries to take it from me?". I very nearly puked. I mean if you know the person....KNOW them...and know how they operate...what makes you think that you will be the reason for them to change...what makes you think that you will be the one to get them to settle with you? What makes you think that they won't leave you and move on and you KNOW you're incapable of moving on? I mean why would you even do that to yourself??? And me the one left holding the dustpan.

I miss my little sister...she did really well in her CXCs so it's off to college now...aww bless her heart...miss her something awful tho...

Maybe I am not being a good friend...I mean I am being mean with the long silences...but a good friend wouldn't condone such measures would they...they would tell you if they are very wrong...

I would love to be wrong... I pray that I might be...but knowing both of them...stupse. I hate when people cause conflict in my life when I am not even directly in it...but whether my nose in or my nose is out...he is gonna get seriously hurt...and I fairly tired of picking up pieces of people. Especially when measures could have been taken to avoid it.

Some lessons should never be taught.


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