All bow to the Queen!

Friday, November 04, 2005

This week in point form

* Well for one thing I only worked 4 days but as highlights go that is STILL pretty high! :D

* The launch has been pushed back for another of couple weeks. DUH what the hell were they thinking of trying to get everything done in one week? Stay off the crack dammit!

* I realised my Mom is actually a pretty loving and understanding person.

* I also realised that I have two remarkable female friends willing to stick up for me lol...still at a loss for words :) Thanks chicas *huggz*

* I really need to learn just to say what is on my mind and not be such a wimp lol

* Loving my sexy new silver and black Motorola. Thanks Govie for pointing me in the right direction.

* Y the hell ppl is do utter junk and KNOW they r doing it and still carry on like nothing is wrong?

* Too many of my female friends have butt up on whoring males in the past few weeks...I like I gin really gotta clone Crackers so I can make sure they find someone decent LOL

* I shouldn't even be in Barbados. Time to put plans in motion!


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