All bow to the Queen!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Well things have finally returned to normal. Or as normal as things can get in life anyway. The work has finally eased up and convo in the office has changed from "Have you finished that PO??? That has to go out now!" and "Have those brochures been delivered? The clients needs that!" to "You....that Christmas hat got you looking real doh. No seriously you look like a naughty elf. Wait you buying me lunch or wuh?"

As you can see the mood is quite festive. Very little to no work at all sure improves our moods lol.

Well naturally it being Christmas there is some drama that has popped up to try to upset and overwhelm me. And like an idiot I got myself involved in it during summer. Not intentionally but I hate to see ppl I treasure being used. But honestly? You can't control people. So if they want to go a certain route who am I to stop them? Good luck is all I can say.

Another thing...I hate users...I was accused of being one...however I think he was joking cus he said all women are users lol...but I don't consider myself one at all. If I ask for a favour I will find some way to repay you out of sheer gratitude. What I can't stand are ppl who use others via emotions....I hate it...and quite frankly I'm not sure I want ppl who do that sorta thing around me.

So Christmas is coming...I have all of what? 3 gifts so that I am not so sure I am going to give the person I bought it for since they really, really, really don't deserve any of caring, thoughtful gestures. Cus seriously that is what it was. I outdid myself this time I really did. But alas it might go to waste. Or go to someone else who would have appreciation for such a present.

Of course it all depends on my mood which is constantly changing...ugh hormones. :)

I dunno y my friends go and find themselves in the strangest predicaments and then ask me to help. Did I not say from the start not to get yourself in it? :S Maybe I really am a 40 year old woman stuck in a 22 year old's body...or I just miserable as hell....I might even be that...

*yawn* I fairly bored tho....but hey it's better than drama!


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