All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ok Im'ma do this in point form.

* Horrible week thus far for one reason in particular that I am not gonna mention. ARGH!!!

*Too much chocolate in the office...I'm not eating any of it but just the sight of it makes me ill :S

*Too much wine being sent to me by clients...and not one of the bottles ain Bailey's.

*Had to get Daddy to break the lock on my bedroom door cus the kids broke off something inside of it while they were trying to pick the lock to get inside my room. HA!

*Back's killing me from bending over while i gift-wrap and package gifts for our clients...and yet all they can send is chocolates and wine...

*An old "friend" is back up to his tricks...pity I know that game inside out...y bother to call? *shakes head in bewilderment*

*Went to see Narnia in VIP last night and I dare say I enjoyed it even more the second time around. In there is tres cool!

*The guy that kissed me in my neck rolled through here the other day to drop off something and stood up talking to me while caressing my hand. I have since filed papers for sexual harassment and I will be calling on some of you as character witnesses in aid of my cause.

*Men play too much games. Makes me glad I'm not about anything these days. And I don't think I ever will be again.

*Govan STILL has something belonging to me and claims he feeling lazy and ainno when I gonna get it. So not acceptable man. :( I have to wrap that dammit!

*Every free night I have is suddenly taken up by babysitting...damn my love of kids....and money...but more the kids definitely LOL.

*....I fairly pissed bout my bedroom door tho...bloody criminals.

*Christmas is almost here and I have....2 more gifts to buy! Hurrah!!!

That's it.



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