All bow to the Queen!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Alright so where to begin....

Firstly it was a good birthday. Started off really well since my "twin" a.k.a Sex (lol!) called me to wish me a good day and to boast about the fact that SHE had the day home. We've been friends since we were 11 and it was cemented in the fact that we're both born on the same day.

Then Mummy in SVG called me and sang to me while I was on the way to work. *shakes head* My mom is an even bigger kid than me. Lord I miss her terribly. Must go and see her soon.

Didn't do much celebrating since that really isn't my thing. Just grabbed a buddy and went to see a movie. Best laugh I had in ages. Not just because of the flick. It had a lot to do with some males that were in there making all sorts of wisecracks that had me and everyone around me just dying. I love going to movies with males. It's just double the fun. Men cud talk some junk hear?

Nehoos. I enjoyed the movie so much (who doesn't love martial arts???) that I am going back tonight with the same friend and we're taking along another guy who's bound to understand our brand of humour. *HUGE grin*

Work has been pretty slow...but my boss brought word yesterday that there is in fact another launch coming up. *sigh* Thankfully it's being handled by the most efficient woman I know so it should be less of a struggle like the last one.

Damn tho....this job is making me old before my time!

So today is Friday 13th....I wonder what weird thing will happen today? For sure it will be horrible day. Not cus it's the 13th...but cus all my Fridays are horrible. Of course that just makes the weekend all the much sweeter.

Having my parents over for dinner on Sunday....I wonder what Daddy will think of the new place?

Sometimes I sit and wonder how people could hold onto grudges? It's such a tremendous waste of time I find. I guess that's why I like the friends I have. Cus they can cuss me out on certain things and lord knows I cuss them back but after the dust has settled it's like "Yea so wuh we doing this weekend heffa?" I wouldn't trade my friends in for the world. Grudgers are essentially time-wasters. I don't envy how they will be in old age...cus the older you get the harder it is to change. Thing is you realise eventually that you are a REAL idiot for hating or disliking someone over something extremely trivial when you could simply act like they don't exist....or do what I do. Be polite. Don't mean you got to be social. Just be...mature. I guess it's too much to ask for some people. Oh well.

P.S. Crackers! She cooked an amazing Shepherd's Pie the other day. Add that to the list of things she has to do for you when you get back!



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