All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So my life (for now) in point form goes something like this - :

God is fantastically wonderful, wonderfully amazing and amazingly beautiful! I am very very blessed and I can't even begin to express how happy and thankful I am for how he's blessed me and continues to bless me!

The Devil is a liar and he cannot win!

My boss (well one of em) has proven himself to be a real gem of a soul. God bless him.

I really like that fella even tho he won't stop sticking it to me about how I ended up losing my cell lol.

I'm happy.....for once. Here's hoping it lasts.

And thanks to all you loons that came out on Saturday for the lime. It was more fun that I could ever have anticipated. I'm happy to know such lunatics who aren't afraid to make complete and total idiots of themselves just for the sake of having some good ole fun lol.

I'm about that huh? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


so what was this lime all about?

/i soon disown you

8:09 AM

Blogger M. said...

I can't believe she din invite you!!! Oh my GOSH! I will have OWRDS with her!!!
And invite you myself. :)

8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol @ M


she gin soon get the magic marker treatment

8:16 AM

Blogger Ana said...

I like to have Roger to myself and not with a whole group of people thank you very much. *sniffs indignantly*

8:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good recovery miss young, good recovery


2:41 PM

Blogger RaiSER said...

u do know its all lies right?

5:45 PM

Blogger Ana said...

always with the negativity. nice.

7:19 PM

Blogger RaiSER said...

always with the truth :)

5:15 AM

Blogger rhonda said...

Oh happy day!!!

8:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) @ raiser

so amm you or M do the cooking Melissa

9:36 AM

Blogger Ana said...

we ordered pizza love :) no cooking involved.

12:51 PM

Blogger Spidude said...

Wait? Anner duz entertain gentlemen callers alone??? *shock* :)

11:51 PM


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