All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

No matter how hard you want just can't stop people from doing foolishness. I will say this tho.....if you as a person have so little respect for yourself that you will beg a man or woman - who by the way has treated you worse than dog faeces - to not stop flirting with you, then you my friend have serious problems. I would hate to think that anyone I regard as a friend would allow people to constantly have a reason such as that so that they can constantly be made fun of.

When will people learn the art of self-preservation and stop making fools of themselves for people who simply DON'T respect them? Why must I constantly bash my head against a wall trying to convince ppl NOT to stupidness for the sake of love? Or rather in the case of LUST?

And better yet why can't I just tell people these things to their face? Why do I have to come on here and vent? You know why? It's because right.....I can't say it again. I mean how many times I gotta say "Shut your mouth and stop giving them a reason to point and laugh. The SAME person you're hankering after is who is leading the pack. WHY give them that ammunitition."

It's time to cut people off. For pure stupidity. The situation calls for it.

In other happier news. I have the day off tomorrow. Pics of the event are sure to come :) and I've got a major project off my shoulders *tosses coffetti* .....only to be saddled with another one. *deflates*

Hopefully this week won't get any stupider.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

affairs of the heart are the most complex ones.

be the support in times of need, but dont be a crutch

8:26 PM

Blogger M. said...

Beat all uh dem and tell dem leff you.

10:05 AM

Blogger Ana said...

I'm beginning to think I've become a mean person but honestly the amount of junk I see people doing to themselves lately is driving me up a wall.

I need a Twister :(

4:24 PM

Blogger Daanz said...

Cheezon girl, I was gonna say that you seem to know bare poppets, but that wouldn't be fair! I guess it's just that everyone exhibits a lil poppetry once in a while!

10:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the winner for the best for for the month of March is "Poppetry" :)

12:03 PM


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