All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

YA HA!!!

So the first part of my vacation is smack in the middle of May and man I cannot wait!

I won't be doing a DAMN thing besides waking up late and vegging out with some good music and dvds.

Hmmm nothing much else to blog about....

Special shout out to the Shankle Dumpling A.K.A. Bob the Builder *cackle* Girl I am gonna buy you some overalls juuuuuuuuuuuust now, you wait. ^__^

I've completely overdoed on Gilmore Girls. If only this guy would bring the bloody LOTR dvds. *scowls*

Well here's to vacation! And here's to good friends and good company!


Blogger Leelee said...

Did someone say Gilmore Girls? DVDS? Videos? Share the wealth please. Vacay is great...! Now I know the good friends and company does not include me cuz we ain't lime in forever but its all good!

8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

gilmore girls?

/shudders in horror

enjoy your vacay. maybe we can do lunch a day. this time without you trying to push me under a bus.

10:22 AM

Blogger Ana said...

Hello that's what you do to ME not the other way around. De man so fraudulent dread. :@

Lunch sounds totally doable. Bistro Monet since we didn't get to go last time!

Leelee you're ALWAYS good company and a good friend :)Lemme know when you're free and we'll veg with LG and RG. :)

10:44 AM

Blogger rhonda said...

Vacation Vacation! Weeeeeeeeee!! :D

Don't forget the girls night hear?!!

11:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smack dab nothing u say! we gine to the beach!!!!

cuz i gine be back!

12:30 PM


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