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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Things I've Noticed.....

..People are hardly ever what they seem. Sometimes it can be quite a pleasant surprise....kinda funny...and other times it can be downright disconcerting.

...Sometimes YOU are hardly ever who you think you are....there are just those times when you sit back and wonder....was that me? Did I just say that? Did I just think that? Did I just do that??

...Your heart can play the cruelest tricks on you when you least expect it. What's up with that? Is it that your heart decides "Hey! I haven't wreaked emotional havoc on Mel in about a year now so I'm loooooong overdue! Time to start some trouble! *rubs hands together gleefully* " And you know what? Once the little bastard starts up it's kinda hard to get him to quit. He pretty much turns into the freakin' Energize Bunny just making sure the emotional rollercoaster is running at full speed.

....People always expect you to love someone you loved so many years ago....Things change. And looking back was never an option. Those people are in the past for a reason. And that reason hasn't changed.

....I'm a glutton for punishment. I don't like it. But I'm a glutton for it.

....My roomie is quite skilled at doing my hair :)

.....I'm tired and that's why I'm even blogging about how I feel.


Blogger Spidude said...

So we can start the "glutton for punishment" club then? :)

The heart truly is a wicked thing.

9:08 AM

Blogger Piggles said...


On both counts! :)

11:03 AM

Blogger M. said...

The heart really ans truly IS a wicked thing.

And I think we all have a bit of that 'glutton' lurking about in us... which is sad, but that's life.

Also, I agree with Marcus. Ya just have to live with the decisions you make.

And WHY do people think they will ALWAYS occupy the SAMS space in your life? Things change, times change, and they will not always occupy the same space.

I hate humans for that.

12:05 PM

Blogger rhonda said...

You spoke a mouthful.

5:52 PM

Blogger M. said...

LOL!! Indeed!

3:48 PM

Blogger Daanz said...

What exactly does your roommate DO to your hair???

Yeah...strange how I've never really thought about that, but it's true, people's relationships DO change over time and that's perfectly natural. Just something we all gotta learn I s'pose.

10:34 AM

Blogger Ana said...

She just ....does styles it then. :)

5:25 PM


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