All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Love is an interesting thing. It really CAN make one blind. But is that always necessarily a bad thing? I don't think so.

I honestly think the world could use some more love in it. We're always so quick to point out what we believe are someone's faults and never ever take the time to see the good in them. What a horrible loss. What a disappointment. What a waste of your energies. Time spent hating someone, or cutting them down because they're not like you or what you think they should be could be better spent understanding why they are they way they are. What they stand for. And how a friendship with them can open your eyes to a something new. Why can't we try to LOVE people more than we hate them?

I was thinking about a friend's situation the other day. She's married and she and her husband are very much in love. I mean you can just see it in their eyes, their body language everything.

I remember I once asked her about the family sitch and apparently her parents weren't so keen on her getting hitched. They wanted her then hubby-to-be to be more financially established among other things.

She wasn't having it. According to her what she told them was she rather know that she loves someone who is making strides towards a goal and as a wife it was her duty to work alongside him to make his goal. What kind of person would she be if she decided that she couldn't marry him because he she thought he didn't have enough money or worse yet because her parents did? Her point was that he had ambition and he had drive and more importantly I think is that he had a woman who was willing to stand by him because she loved HIM and not his status or his bank account.

Shouldn't the world be more like that? In every aspect? Having a greater love of the person rather than what they are worth? Judging the person on their character which you have taken the time to discover rather than judging them on their net worth?

Don't get me wrong about my friend's situation. I can understand her parents' concern. They just want the best for their daughter. But if it were you would you rather your child to marry someone they didn't love who was rolling in dough OR would you rather they marry someone they truly love who has drive and the need to succeed?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still hay

Just a quick note to say I'm still alive for those of wunna who still check this thing. In the past month I've changed jobs, returned to my homeland Trinidad with my mom for the first time since I was 5, met aunts and cousins I never even knew I had, shopped til I thought my feet would fall off, came close to becoming Sheryl Crow (silly joke. doan ask) and gained 5 pounds. Now the debate is still on as to whether or not it's water weight or newly gained muscle. Since I've been going to the gym I would be immensely pissed off to think I had gained weight instead of lost. My clothes do fit looser so that's good but either way I've redoubled my efforts at working out.

But yea. That's pretty much it for me.
