All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I finally did it!!!

Yep I finally moved!!

Granted it was only from downstairs to upstairs but still that is alot of work! All I can say is thank God for ppl like Kim and Ian poo cus they are the ones that really got me moving. So today I met up with Kim after work and we came to my house and started taking up some stuff. Ian showed up later and helped move up the computer desk. Yeah we needed some manly power where that was concerned LOL.

In the middle of this whole fiasco tho I got a text instructing me to wiggle. *confused look* Not sure what that was all about but it made me laugh nonetheless.

Ah boy so that's one more thing off my back!! Got the new stuff for my room at some uber low prices so I feel all good with myself (C'bean Furnishing Home ROCKS!!) and thanks to those two everything is now in place so I can stop worrying about how on earth I was gonna get all this stuff done on my own!

Only sucky thing about it tho is the dust....I just can't stop sneezing!

0h and another great piece of news is that the hotel called and I have two more checks to be picked up! Extra money! Whoo hoo!!

6 more days til New York. I am so ready.

A very content Ana signing out!!

Thanks Kimme and Ian poo!! *huggles*

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Long time no see.

All alone at work this week since my co worker is uber ill and refused to stay home when I told her to. I guess I gotta respect her for being a trooper. Things are going ok thus far. Made it thru two days without any crises and I am pleased to say that my brain has finally started to behave itself. Been having alot of problems of late remembering things. You don't get Alzheimers at age 21 do you??

Been enjoying the heck outta the DVD player I bought recently thanks to some sources (they know who they are). Hopefully I can get a few of my own when I hit NY next month. That's right ticket booked and spending money has been put safely away so all is going well for now. Leaving on the 3rd so I will be able to catch some Independence sales. Which quite frankly would be fantastic.

I'm really looking forward to it....I's not just me I know that...but I am tired of feeling like I am in the same place. There's just this need. I want more. And it isn't just one specific thing...I want more of a whole lot. I don't know how I am going to get it but it has to be had some way, somehow.

I'm learning to sing Celtic. This was totally Enya inspired lol. I'm teaching myself and just using her recordings as a guide. I know it sounds strange but it's fun so far. My voice is nowhere near as good as hers but it's nice to try something new.

More and more I'm beginning to think that moving would be a great idea. Things these days are tense. And I find myself doing things that I know wud make him mad. But truthfully doesn't take much with him.

Feeling pretty solemn. Maybe I just need some time away from alot of things.