All bow to the Queen!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Blogging is getting so boring these days.

Or maybe it's just that I don't have much to blog about? *lightbulb*

Let me just start off by saying that Exes are just that for a very good reason. I mean ex husbands, ex bf's and exflams. I mean hey if they ditched you why the hell should you get back with them? Surely it's THEIR fault for not realising what they had the first time around. If on the other hand you ditched THEM then kudos to you because you DID realise what you had and choose to do without it. Well done really.

But yes moving on. Exes are exes for a reason. Whatever that reason is then stick to it. Because there's no sense in rehashing the past. Move on. Find someone new. What sense is there in going backward? Why are things of the past always trying to pull you back into the past and ground you there? Why?? Because it just gives some people a sense of satisfaction that they have this degree of control over you. Sick really but true.

And that is why I maintain I will never.....EVER get back together with any guy I dated or talked to or any of those things because it's such a horrendous waste of time. I mean obviously it was a waste of time initially which is why it ended duh so therefore it stands to good reason that to reconcile would be an even GREATER waste of time.

Exes should stay in the past where they belong.

So the other day this man called me Ras. Needless to say I was thrilled to bits. Progress! Thankfully my hair is a bit longer than when I initially started. A month ago I didn't even want anyone to see my head. Yes I'm vain so what. I've had my hair shorter when I had that bob thing going on (all the lil bashment girls had them. Wuh I ain nuhbody? ^__^ Die Marcus.).

But yes my hair is getting somewhere. Heading into the fuzzy stage now which lasts for quite some time apparently. Lord help muh. This should be interesting.

Looks like the rain is about to pour. Can't wait to get home and finish my book.

Looking forward to vacation. Destination all picked out as well as a travel buddy who might very well end up murdering me but that's a rather long story that really isn't anyone else's business but by own so bah to all you :P.

Soon home time and I haven't this irritating freak from St Kitts for the whole blessed day. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Soon home time. Thank God.


Blogger Spidude said...

RAS... bwahahaha.. you and you locklets :)

Did you just say "exflams" ?? :| ... bwahahahahahaha :>

Thanks for adding a smile to my day :)

9:53 AM

Blogger Daanz said...

I mostly agree with ya on the ex thing there Mel, but it also made me think: y'know, people change and mature as time passes, so who knows, depending on how the the break up came about in the first place, it's possible that a couple could find themselves somewhat more in sync that 2nd time around.
Ya might be doin' yourself a favour if you don't rule out the possibilities completely. You never know! :-)

10:20 AM

Blogger RaiSER said...

Ras Pale-y.... *tears* come for ur world!

6:00 PM

Blogger Ana said...

Is there no end to the ridicule I must endure from my so called friends!!! *shakes fist angrily*

10:37 AM

Blogger M. said...

Power to the locs. Just waiting on Adana and Rhonda to join in now.

12:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your exes became your exes and you were totally faultless in this scenario

11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course.. women can do NOTHING wrong :)

2:42 PM

Blogger Ana said...

Log in when wunna telling me junk man!!

4:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blogs always bring a smile to my day So i havent seen u in quite sometime.. yuh cut your hair or wha!? Good luck with that there...natural hair is evil from what i remember from 10 years ago and the occasional large set of new growth.

so tell me Ana where did this great thought about ex-es hit you from. I totall agree with everything said, and through past experiences i can indeed say it is a waste of time. And then one day whenu get really mad it comes rushing back like a tsunami why they are an ex (something).

Nehow.. good luck with that hair thing.


7:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wuh i near pull a jaw muscle sucking my teeth at this post

/flees into the abyss

9:43 PM

Blogger Splint said...


if they ditched you for totally valid reasons, and you have since reformed your ways, but would like another chance what then?

do all relationships that end count as a waste of time? This puzzled me.

And if you ditched them you gain kudos because of what exactly? That you may have made a huge mistake by ditching them doesnt come into play?

I suspect that I may have missed what you are getting at here exactly.

8:04 AM

Blogger Ana said...

No they don't count as a waste of time. Your learn a lot about yourself and the person when you're in a relationship. I am simply saying that from where I stand I believe exes should remain as exes. I have my reasons for saying so. If your experience is difference then work to suit.

9:23 AM

Blogger rhonda said...

You sound just like my mom, "leave the exes where they de past!" Of course she never had to tell me that!! I suppose in 1 or 2 cases it might work out the second time around, but for the majority, its hardly ever worth it. It really does depend on why it ended in the first place.

Py Pyyy!! I gonna call you I-Ana from now on!

10:15 AM

Blogger Splint said...

got ya now banana.

you were talking from a more personal stance as opposed to a general one.

10:29 AM

Blogger Ana said...

Well I can't speak generally because I don't know everyone's situation. Altho to be honest, there are some people out there who SHOULD be staying away from their exes...but can't.

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this the first time im reading ure blog n this is some funny stuff..

because a person becomes an ex..forget bout them and never get back to gether lol

there cud b a gazillian reasons y ya'll broke up

sounds like yOu had All bad breaks

7:44 PM


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