All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ya know...I was actually about to blog about how miserable I was since my boss forgot to pay us and I am running low on cash and how I have to work tonight and I am tired from work today and work the night before. You...that's a lot of "ands". Then I heard the guys outside cackling out about something and I realised shoot I am not the only person in this situation and I am here moaning and complaining. I was really having an awful messed up day but you know what? It's better than what most ppl in this world have. So I am thankful regardless. I going outside and talk some junk wid de men. Bye all.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Not much of anything going on to be honest...things are nice and quiet for now. The hotel is packed now tho since Halloween is coming up so my nights next week are gonna be work I am here hoping that work during the day is gonna be less stressful than it has been over the past few weeks. is actually really boring right now...the highlight of my week was last night when I spent the evening hanging out with Ian and the other guys. Boo had a performance at NIFCA semi's but I couldn't make it due to severe lack of funds. I am sure he and his women :) kicked butt with their performances anyway...

Oh yeah finally watched Bleach 54...maybe I was tired cus I didn't feel as excited as I guess I should have felt. I certainly wasn't as excited as James who nearly popped his mother's curtains LOL. But I agree that it has really set things up nicely for ep's hoping that it isn't a filler...speaking of which they told me the next 21 weeks of Naruto are supposed to be fillers...that just isn't cutting all.

Well that's that. I think I'll be spending the rest of the weekend at home since I am feeling a bit ill...I hate being a girl sometimes ...just hate it.

Have a fun weekend all.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Lord what a week. One of our clients is launching their services in two of the C'bean islands so it's been nonstop work from Day One. The thing is I am not even getting the worst of it. My co-worker is since she's my superior. (hey is that an oxymoron?) I am glad I am not her in any case. I dunno how she handles it. I'd have snapped ages ago. Thank God the work gets distributed between the two of us otherwise there might be murders.

Onto annoying coworkers tho...what the hell is up with them and taking instruction? It's not like you're asking them to do something for's for the benefit of everyone in the company. So y the sour attitude to go along with it. And we all know I am not rude (I'm not. Hush!) so it can't be that my attitude to them is offensive because I do try my best to approach them as mannerly as possible...and yet with this one guy in particular he is just...nasty. The thing is when I first started working there we had actually become good friends and used to go out to lunch and talk about things. But over the past few months I realise his attitude towards me in particular has turned really awful and I am trying to figure out y that is. I am at the point now where I just have the urge to be rude back and not answer him when he calls my extension...which is what he does when I call his. I mean hello? Are we 12 now?

I am really trying not to bother about it but he's being a real so and so and it's driving me up a wall and working with him now is just like pulling teeth. When I ask him to amend something he does it in the sloppiest way possible and I have to go back to him time and again to change it and THEN he gets annoyed cus I have to keep coming to him. I can't send sloppy work to the client so of COURSE I have to hound him...I mean what else can I do. It's gotten to the point that even one of my bosses mentioned it to my superior. And asked y I don't just curse him and tell him where to get off. But how is that gonna make it better? Granted I would love to blister the man but it's not a very intelligent thing to do.

I dunno. I promised myself I wasn't gonna stress over it and yet here I am blogging like mad about it. It's the weekend. Let me put that aside for now.

Let me focus right now on certain ppl who are presently blistering me for forgetting I was supposed to go out with them last weekend. I can understand y they are pissed cus actually someone did the same thing to me recently and I was pretty pissed. They said sorry tho and I moved past it. And I wish that certain ppl would do the same to be honest. I am not trying to be mean but I could just do without the extra drama when I've got quite enuff going on at present.

And no I don't feel like talking about it. So please don't ask. I know that if I need to vent you're there and I'll come to you when I need to. If you're still there that is. *shrugs*

I don't feel myself these days...I have this odd feeling that I am changing too much as a person and for some reason even tho it's me that is changing I can't keep up with the pace....isn't that odd?

I used to be such a good friend...what happened to me?

This blog wasn't supposed to be downhearted in the least but cha look where it led to lol....

Neways bedtime. I'm being dragged into town by a gf of mine to go shopping...that's right...I said dragged. Town on a Saturday fails. Big time.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Intervention

No I am not talking about when Govie, BigHead Boy, George and Kayo jack me up on Saturday....this time the interrogation came from my parents!

I came out of my room last night sometime around midnight to go to the bathroom and my parents asked me to sit down so they could "speak to me". The convo went something like this.

(me sits while heaving huge dramatic sigh because I REALLY needed to use the bathroom)

Daddy: Melissa what did you have for dinner tonight?
Me: Rice and some vegetables.
Daddy: So you didn't have any of the lamb? That lovely nice lamb that your mother prepared?
Me: I just didn't want any.
Mummy: So you're done eating meat? You on a diet?
Me: No Mother. I just dont feel like eating meat anymore.
Mummy: Well alright but if you're not gonna eat meat you have to start buying fruit and eating more veggies."
Daddy: You. That's a good idea. I feel I could eat some more fruits in truth. Melissa bring home some fruits. We can share.
Mummy: Barker they are not for you. If the girl ain eating meat she gotta eat something. This way you get more meat. Leff de girl and she fruits!
Me: Can I go now? (bewildered)
Mummy: Yeah go long and sleep. We will hear you in the morning
Daddy: But wait tho. You stop eating meat jusso? Wuh happen you turning rasta????

I'll just end it there since that was about the time I got up rolled my eyes and went to bed.

But the non meat eating thing isn't go so bad really. It's been what? nearly two weeks? So it isn't impossible. But thanks to George I already have images of a hearty meat filled Christmas dinner in my head. I will not succumb to the desires of my heart on that day. It's just a matter of getting Mummy to add in fish to the menu which I am sure she will have no problem with!

Neways off to another day of work. Oh joy!


Later on in the day and I am wondering just what the hell is wrong with me. You know when you tell yourself don't get too attached cus it's never gonna turn into something? You know your place and you know where you stand and you know what you have to do. Your role is very's been made VERY clearly what your purpose here is. And yet because of this stupid thing called emotions ...feelings what have find yourself totally ignoring those guidelines you set out for yourself...or rather were set out for you :S. And as much as I try to be the "cool friend" I can't really tell myself that I don't have feelings for this person...and even though I know...I know deep within my soul that it is a disaster waiting to happen...I can't shut the damn faucet off!

And you know what makes it times worse? When you're the only person stressing about it. The other person is going along quite happily living their life and you're the one stressing....and it's not like you asked them to come into your life and cause you to become concerned...things were fine as they were before!

It's just a tad bit hurtful that you know they have such an effect on you ...but it doesn't work the other way around :S

Life's funny like that lol.