All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Curse of Having A Mouth

You know there are some people who talk simply because they have a mouth?

I know about 3 of those people....and I work with them. This makes getting work done EXTREMELY difficult.

I maintain....if people put half as much effort into listening to when instructions are given and carrying them out as they do to discussing homosexual marraiges and the benefits of having a gf who accompanies them to strip clubs, REAL work would get done and CORRECTLY.

I just cannot understand this urge to run your mouth at work I just can't. I'm not saying DON'T socialize at work because there has to be some measure of fun or else no one would want to work. But the main reason you come into the workplace is to WORK. And yet people get annoyed when you so boldy interrupt their convo to give them instruction on what they are working on.

Maybe I'm the one who's missing the whole concept of what work is about.


My roommate getting on funny because I am trying to set her up with the new guy. Can anyone explain to me why people don't appreciate it when you show interest in their lives. *shakes head sadly* The verbal and yes...physical abuse I have suffered at the hands of this girl since announcing my intentions has been horrible....someone save me....please?


The weekend draweth nigh...what fun will I find to do? So far all my weekends have been spent at home cleaning and washing then bumming out with a book or overdosing on Gilmore Girls....quite the scandalous lifestyle believe you me.

One great thing about the weekend. Lack of chat. Gotta get some of that more often. Maybe if I stapled their mouths shut.

Hmmmmm.....there's a thought.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I firmly believe in closing chapters in one's life. The ones that end badly in particular. And I feel happy to know that by the end of this week yet anotherless than happy chapter in my life will be closed before you can say "permanent ink."

I've gotten seriously cold...or it's just that my tolerance for nonsense has gotten somewhat low and I'm feeling to write people off left, right and center. This is all Boo's doing. He's been trying to teach me disassociation for God knows how long and I've finally begun to show some promise. Damn you Corey! (btw I see ur gf in town on Saturday....I think!)

I love living "alone". Lord the peace! burgers....*weeps*

So new guy at work and he looks just like the one who left....but he's far more polite...I haven't heard him speak all day except to ask "I'm sorry what did you say? You talk really fast did you know what??" and "So how do I get onto Pavilion 3?"

God bless him. *smile*

Spi :) Be happy for me will you?

Few more days and some chicken!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not Revenge....but just as sweet....

Now when the news came in the middle of last month that a particular co-worker (a brand of spoilt rich kid that I can't particularly stand) was quitting....why I nearly hit the roof such was my enthusiasm.

Now certain ppl are determined to make me feel guilty about this....but let's be honest. They're not being fired. This is voluntary. And the person is walking around here with teh BIGGEST smile on their face....and you know what? I am grinning right back because in about two weeks I won't have to see their face again or even bother to TRY and be polite.

I absolutely cannot deny I detest this man. Oh HOW i loathe thee! Let me count the ways!

That's right. I am happy. And if you all were me and had to endure that punk's abuse day after day all for the sake of getting work done then you would be THRILLED to see he was leaving. Thrilled I tell you!

And no one is gonna make me feel guilty about seeing the back of that brat. Shoot I'd help him out the door if I could!! muahahahahahahahaa!!! I'm so happy he's going!!!! *screams in delight*

Moving on.....

*screams once more for good measure*


When March 17th comes I am going straight to Bubba's for a CHEESEburger. That's right! With bacon, and mushrooms and a side of fries that I'm gonna dip in that dressing ....oh dear GOD!

M. you with me??? *sigh*

I have a headache now just thinking about that....*weeps*

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And these things come to me ....y?

On the way home from work yesterday I ran into my Uncle gf's in town. She clearly was in the gossiping mood so I obliged her for about 45 mins while she poured out her heart to me. These Trini's is something else. The whole of town could hear her problems. Stupse anyway.

So as we stood there talking this homeless guy walks up to as and asks for some money, "please" he said "my foot brek and I need some money." Now his foot could have just had some sorta defect from birth for all I know but to my untrained eye the funny angle at which his foot was bent did look like it was broke and was healing incorrectly.

And that really bothered me. It got me to thinking about something I wondered about for a long time. Just HOW do people become homeless. I mean for me if I lost my job or whatever I still have my parent's home to go back to....or I have my aunts (don't mind they run my blood to water) and both my uncles. Then there's the other set of parents in St Vincent as well as aunty Jill.....

How can things become so bad in someone's life that they have nowhere else to turn but the streets? I simply cannot fathom it.

Sometimes I think pride plays a role...maybe they just don't want to admit that they need help and would rather disappear off the face of the earth before asking for the assistance they need....

I mean how would you feel to be walking the streets and butt up on ur homeless cousin? Like you could have done something? Offered some shelter? A loan? Something?

Of course the circumstances matter....they might be doing drugs...who wants to give money to a drug addict....or let them in your house for them to sell it from under your nose....nothing is ever black and white is it...

Regardless tho....I don't think I could ever allow anyone in my family to be homeless....not until I'd exhausted every option I had to help them.

Stuff like that depresses the hell out of me.

I wish ppl would stop asking me if I spoke at the PEP meeting a few weeks ago. Clearly there is another M. Young out there. DUH.

3 launches coming up. Work: 3 Mel: 0

Vacation is slipping from my grasp yet again.

New York is looking likely once again. :) Jase and Barrie watch out. King's Plaza for movies again dammit. Da Vinci Code or wuh?

Oh yes.

RENT was amazing. I love musicals. As in I LOVE them. I can't stop singing the opening song and my coworker won't stop telling me off for singing the "gay" song.

You know what? I certainly don't agree with homosexuality but the point is life goes on regardless so what is the use in crying down people? State your case. No you don't agree. But it's their life they are living and try as you might you cannot make people change. Change starts from within. Not from constant nagging outside. Save your energies for something other than condemning people.

Casanova was also the bomb. Heath IS the future father of my children....well of one at least....Jason Statham will father the other two. That's right chick (she knows who she is) I tekking he! :P

But yes I digress. It was a really sweet story. Legendary whore of Venice turned good guy when he found his true love. If only the story were applicable to men in general. It ROCKED.

That's enuff blab for now.

Boo's birthday is coming up. I would take him out but a certain lady might have on him lockdown :) Love you Boo.

Have a good day y'all.