The Curse of Having A Mouth
You know there are some people who talk simply because they have a mouth?
I know about 3 of those people....and I work with them. This makes getting work done EXTREMELY difficult.
I maintain....if people put half as much effort into listening to when instructions are given and carrying them out as they do to discussing homosexual marraiges and the benefits of having a gf who accompanies them to strip clubs, REAL work would get done and CORRECTLY.
I just cannot understand this urge to run your mouth at work I just can't. I'm not saying DON'T socialize at work because there has to be some measure of fun or else no one would want to work. But the main reason you come into the workplace is to WORK. And yet people get annoyed when you so boldy interrupt their convo to give them instruction on what they are working on.
Maybe I'm the one who's missing the whole concept of what work is about.
My roommate getting on funny because I am trying to set her up with the new guy. Can anyone explain to me why people don't appreciate it when you show interest in their lives. *shakes head sadly* The verbal and yes...physical abuse I have suffered at the hands of this girl since announcing my intentions has been horrible....someone save me....please?
The weekend draweth nigh...what fun will I find to do? So far all my weekends have been spent at home cleaning and washing then bumming out with a book or overdosing on Gilmore Girls....quite the scandalous lifestyle believe you me.
One great thing about the weekend. Lack of chat. Gotta get some of that more often. Maybe if I stapled their mouths shut.
Hmmmmm.....there's a thought.