Just who can you really trust?
I find myself asking that question a lot recently.
How can you trust a friend who remains friends or should I say "friends" with people who have seriously mistreated them? Is it the mark of maturity of a mark of stupidity? There's nothing wrong with being civil since it is the mature thing to do but to be remain friends? As in buddies? As in call on the phone to chat, hang out with them, be on msn with them all day and taking an active interest in their lives etc.....
I don't know if I could trust someone who did that....because while they're being ever so friendly with that person they're telling other people what that person did to them and why they can't stand them. Yet to the rest of the world they're the biggest of friends.
I've been hearing some strange and funny things lately.....maybe I am immature (big shocker there) but if I know someone has wronged me and shows no interest in making amends for it but wants to carry on like nothing happened I prefer to just end the so called friendship or relationship right there. At the very least I am being honest. To stick around with someone when you know you have badmouthed them in the past and vice versa and you continue to do it even now is just hypocritical.
But then again we've all been hypocrites at some point in our lives right? *shrugs*
So it's Friday and the hour of 4.30 quickly approaches. But not to worry.....there's still some time for some client to have some crisis so that I can run around like a headless chicken trying to solve it while they scream down my ear about why isn't it being done. Duh moron cus it takes 2 days to print that amount of flyers and unless u planning to print them in house and cut them down by hand with a scissors no printery here can help you.
Honestly tho people are so stupid and indecisive! Like this one guy has an ad for about a week and it has to go the papers today. Suddenly at 12pm today (past newspaper deadlines for artwork btw) he decides to say "Oh Melissa love don't you have a different shot you can use? I don't like this one!"
......and it took you a week to realise this? So of course I had to pull the ever so helpful, dutiful marketing rep who is REALLY interested in their bloody incompetence.
"Oh do you not like it? Well I'm not sure what to say because I honestly loved it. It shows just enough of the product I find. You get a bit of the front, a bit of the side and just a hint of the back of it - hmmmm? - oh no all of us in here loved it to be honest. Even the artist was saying he loved the way it turned out - hmmm? - go ahead with the shot? Oh ok. You sure? Oh lovely then. Thanks!"
And now my throat is sore. What is this the flu?? Look. I survived about a whole month of being around countless people who were just oozing germs all over the place. And I can tell you right now that I am not interested in coming off such a stink JUST to get all nasty and fluey! Flu begone!
Hopefully copious amounts of Coke will flush it out :) (riiiiiiiight)
Full, fun weekend ahead. BBQ on Saturday and picnic on Sunday. And somehow I get the sneaky feeling that pics will be taken because certain red people with sticks just plain....evil.
Off to church! Should be a blast.
Have a great weekend All!