All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Maria Mena - Just Hold Me

Comfortable as I am
I need your reassurance
And comfortable as you are
You count the days

But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted loneliness
I'd choose to go
And if i like rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know

And why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to se me broken
And why do I still care
still care?

You say you see the light now
At the end of this narrow hall
I wish it didn't matter
I wish I didn't give you all

But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted loneliness
I'd choose to go
And if i like rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know

And why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to see me broken
And why do I still care?

Poor little misunderstood baby
Noone likes a sad face
But I can't remember life without him
I think I did have good days
I think I did have good days

And why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to se me broken
And why do I still care?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Biker Chick....sorta :)

So on Saturday I stepped oh so drastically out of my comfort zone and did something I've wanted to do for the LONGEST time.

Thanks to the art of suggestion the girls at work managed to convince our boss it would be a brilliant idea to go on ATV Quest. And he fell for it hook, line and sinker. So 8 of us headed to St Thomas and had a blast driving around on THIS!!

Good....LORD are those things powerful! No major mishaps of which to speak of so all in all it was a damn good time. Oh man we went all up in the "hills" down to the beach near Richard Hoad's place and just had a fabulous time. One guy overtook myself and another coworker on a hill which we bawled him out for since it was stated early on that this was not allowed. Things were dangerous as it was.

We did hella good tho. and I do believe we will be going back on one again....when we decide yeah we can pull our OWN pockets for this. I might upload a pic with me in my shades and my biker helmet (all mandatory of course). I might....just might. :)

Other than that the weekend was fairly quiet which is just how I like it. :) Vacation starts at 4.30 this evening. See you guys next week.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Birds of a feather flock together" - Anonymous

Just my random thought for the day. :)

Someone I love really upset me today. And I'm wondering why it is that the people you love seem to enjoy hurting you the most. Surely they know what they saying.

But what is the point in stressing? I'm going to accentuate the positive. I'm going to the fact....that I am great. (whatever happened to that dude anyway?)

SO! Vacation is coming up next week and YES MEL IS SOOOO EXCITED!! Oh GOOD.....GOD can you FEEL my excitement? Lord I won't have to see work for a few days and when my alarm rings the ungodly hour of 5 30 am I can roll "cancel".....and go RIGHT back to sleep! Then I will get up at 7 and panic cus I will think " DAMN! I overslept!!!!!".....then I will realise the error of my ways......AND go back to sleep. Mel can't wait.

You know....this guy once pointed that I talk in the third person.....that IS pretty odd no? Hmmmm go figure.

I'm gonna relish that week. Rhanda reasons we are going to the beach. Girl come and knock on my door and see if I answer LOL!

The weekend is almost here :) And hopefully that means Patch and the patchlets will be coming home. Pics to come soon I hope :) Can't wait to see them.

Hmmmm well that's about it from my end. Hope all is well with everyone else :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Things I've Noticed.....

..People are hardly ever what they seem. Sometimes it can be quite a pleasant surprise....kinda funny...and other times it can be downright disconcerting.

...Sometimes YOU are hardly ever who you think you are....there are just those times when you sit back and wonder....was that me? Did I just say that? Did I just think that? Did I just do that??

...Your heart can play the cruelest tricks on you when you least expect it. What's up with that? Is it that your heart decides "Hey! I haven't wreaked emotional havoc on Mel in about a year now so I'm loooooong overdue! Time to start some trouble! *rubs hands together gleefully* " And you know what? Once the little bastard starts up it's kinda hard to get him to quit. He pretty much turns into the freakin' Energize Bunny just making sure the emotional rollercoaster is running at full speed.

....People always expect you to love someone you loved so many years ago....Things change. And looking back was never an option. Those people are in the past for a reason. And that reason hasn't changed.

....I'm a glutton for punishment. I don't like it. But I'm a glutton for it.

....My roomie is quite skilled at doing my hair :)

.....I'm tired and that's why I'm even blogging about how I feel.