All bow to the Queen!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ho hum...

The title of this blog is basically what I say when I have so many things running through my mind that I just dunno where to start.

But let me start here! I have a new guilty pleasure and it's called "The Simple Life." Now I've never paid much mind to this much touted show that stars society girls Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. But GOOD LORD this show is freakin hilarious! These girls are dumb and they just DON'T care. They're spoilt rich brats and they totally play up to the label.

But see...they're still smart because they KNOW Americans will watch anything and totally buy into what they are selling! So they're making money off of being stupid which!

*sigh* I just think the show is just TOO damn funny. Nicole is my favourite by far. Paris is so...bleh. Nicole is the heart and soul of that show.

But moving on.

I had a really horrible week last week which left me immensely depressed and I'm only now getting over it. Thank God. I hate feeling down. I can't function properly when I feel like that and I honestly wish certain people would see that and stop coming to me with nonsense.

I saw a homeless man get cussed last night while waiting on the bus by this old man and it really pissed me off. The homeless guy was just walking through the bus stand and the old man looked at him and said "You. Wuh you f*cking want? Try and carr yuh c*nt. Feel somebody want people like you bout hay? Move along!"

The poor homeless man just stopped, glared at him for about a minute and then walked away. Shoulders slumped and head down in his chest.

I was INCREDIBLY pissed off. I just want to scream at the old man and tell him what a complete idiot he was for speakign to another human being like that! I mean just because the man is homeless means he can't walk somewhere?? He wasn't troubling anybody and he wasn't begging for money so y the need to cuss? And because of the very fact that he choose NOT to beat the crap out of that old man he earned my respect because he proved himself MORE of a human being than the man who obviously had somewhere to live. I wanted to tell that old man that the situations could very well be reversed and he could be the one being belittled and made to feel like he was a lesser man than men who had a fixed abode.

All those things rose up in my throat to tell this man but I didn't. Mainly because I didn't want to cause a scene. And that got me thinking about how many times people (and myself) have resisted standing up for someone else or even ourselves simply because we were scared. Scared of the person's anger now turning us, scared to have a public argument or even scared to stand up to ur own friends because that might cause the relationship to end.

Now that I think about it I've done it countless times and all I can think is what a wimp I am.

But am I really? Or is it that I just know when to keep my mouth shut because I know that even if I do say anything it won't make a difference?

How does one choose? If anyone knows please tell me because I still don't know the answer.

Anyways...after that mess I got on the bus and was coming up Bank Hall when the bus nearly went over on it's side. It appears that the BWA was fixing a pipe and decided to barely cover up a big musty hole in the ground which the bus promptly sank into.

This resulted in me and half a dozen other passengers standing up on the side of road waiting for the next Eden Lodge bus while observing the bus which was tilted at a most precarious angle.

I eventually got home but the experience left me pretty pissed.

I know that as much as you try that there will STILL be accidents....but GOOD LORD.

That bus sank in that hole like it was made of quicksand! And according to the residents the crew just put sand in the hole and absolutely no marl whatsoever. Does that even compute?? You have a burst main which has water flowing from here to St Lucy and you're gonna put SAND in the hole to cover it up?


Is that so hard to do??

But...let me not complain. It could have been worse. Thank God it wasn't. a big shock on Saturday when I invited my mom to a concert the church had. (Concert was the bomb btw. One Shankle Dumpling was out front dibbing out before the WHOLE congregation. The girl has NO shame)

Anyhoos during intermission my mom and I went outside to eat something and she looked at me and asked me what I was doing with my hair. I just stared at her not answering and then she asked," Melissa are you growing locs?"

I can't lie at pointblank question like that. Impossible. So I said yes.

Then - "Oh I thought so. I wonder if it's too late to start mine. What do you think?"

*insert heart failure here*

My mother??? Wanting to grow locs??? Wait...then this means....

"'re not upset??"

"No. I think they will look even nicer longer. Rasheeda (my niece) wants to grow hers too and I think hers will look nice when she starts."

*insert glee here*

I'm still in shock over the fact that my mom of all people is into locs. SHOCKING! I'm encouraging her to start them so maybe I'll have some good news in the next month or so. Her hair is waaaaay longer than mine so she can do all the cool styles and stuff. Lucky her. :(

Anyhoos I'm outta here. Got some bills to pay.

P.S. Marcus is upset that I like "The Simple Life."

Dude it's funny. I'm telling you.


Blogger M. said...

I was NOT dibbing out.

2:58 PM

Blogger Spidude said...

"you gotta know when to hold em... know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run"

10:46 PM

Blogger rhonda said...

Never watched the simple life actually.

What a nice surprise! You and your mom growing locks together! You guys could get a glamour shot done when they get a bit longer!

9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what;s the channell and time for the simple life?

5:01 PM

Blogger Ana said...

I suppose so Rog. It just really upset me the way he spoke to that man.

Anon - It shows on E last I heard but I watch the eps on Youtube. I can't afford cable :)

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old man must have had issues. Maybe he had a self esteem issue since he up and started to tell off the homeless man. Over and over we learn that it isnt what you have or what you can earn that makes you a man, but it is the core of your personality, common sense and knowing when to ignore an idiot. I think arguing with an idiot would have done you no good. It is good to stand up for your friends, but standing up for someone doesnt mean that you have to be in a dead lock of words. It can be many other litte things...

neways cya chick

2:17 AM


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