All bow to the Queen!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

So today was my second day at my new job at Vision Marketing. Loads of work I could tell from Day One but it's really just a matter of staying on top of it. The girl I work with is very cool and I hope to God she stays that way.

The guys are outside are cool as well ..typical fellas with their stories peppered with profanity. One of em is the image of spidude. looks like he could be his younger bro or something. it's really weird tho cus this dude cusses ALOT so it's like 0_0 for a min.....

I hate the bus system....for two days in a row i stood up from down my side in Weston all the way to Hastings. Never again I tell u!

I got the commuters in specific categories.

First off we have

The Bag People

well really they are mainly ladies but dem got some men too. These are the inconsiderate morons who carry HUGE bags on their shoulders and instead of nicely asking someone to hold it for em they keep it on their shoulders. if you find urself standing next to them ur constantly being banged in the hip or the side with this stupid thing!! It pisses me off!!

then we have The Pretenders

yeah those creeps who are lucky enuff to have a seat and start shuffling their bags and other belongings in the early. So poor you standing there thinking "ah boy she shuffling de bags I gin get a seat NOW :D".....then the idiot has the audacity to get out 6 or 7 stops later. I mean geez you had to start shuffling so early...get my hopes up then to dash em into the ground???

and how could I forget the Smirkers.....

yea those are the ones who sit there in their seats looking at u like " oh yeah I got a seat don't you just WISH u were me?"

The Smirkers are almost as bad as the Pretenders......

So one of two things gotta happen here. Either a)I gotta get a license in the space of oh a week!! and a car too mind u....or b) get a man who has a car somehow bewitch him and make him take me to and fro.....

Something tells me neither of those are gonna happen. :'(

Friday, September 24, 2004

So lately I just not been in the blogging mood really. Yes you have to be in a mood to blog.

Been stressing quite a bit lately on how to create a website..something that I along with another Melissa from church are doing. Yeah we get roped into doing something we have no clue HOW to do. So I had to ask these two
for help. And they did too altho one of em
would not stop his flirtatious today. :P

These days I am just keeping pretty quiet. I know is that weird or what? But things just not been that fantastic with me lately. I mean yes I got loads to be grateful for but I still wish things would get better.

Oh yeah I worry too much and for the most part I end up coming out of it looking like a complete idiot. Time to cut this nice foolishness and stop being so overly concerned with whether or not I upset ppl cus truthfully half the time dem doan be checking.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I'm alive. That's all you ppl in Bloggerland need to know. Ciao!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Tonite I had a bit of a disagreement with a male friend of mine. He basically stated that since I have had all but one serious relationship in all my life (and even that is questionable) I have no rite telling others how to solve their relationship issues. So wait. If a friend comes to me and says Mel I ainno wuh to do. wuh u think? am I supposed to say well X seeing as I am so inexperienced I really can't tell u what to do so....go and ask someone else. Or do I try to help them??

I ainno bout wunnah rite..but to me it's easier to be objective with someone else's probs than it is with mine. I can honestly look at someone's situation and know what can be done to help solve it. Can;t do it with me tho. It's just basic common sense!!! You don;t have to have been in a million and one relationships to have an idea how to go about having one or even determine how to solve an issue. Sure it can help but it isn't a prerequisite.

Wait...another thing...who's worse off? the one who has been in one relationship or the one who has had loads? cus to me the latter is the one that may be failing in being able to maintain one. maybe that's just my strange thinking.

Thing is dis man LOVE to bring up the point that I am 20 years old with little to no experience. And it pisses me off cus he makes it seem like he's lite years ahead of me in maturity. he does it all the damn time.

I am not a child. And I have my opinions and to me they are valid. and clearly they are valid to others if ppl still come to me asking me to jus listen or to help. And I don't mind doing it cus I love my friends and it doesn't take much outta me to listen. So IF cus of my lack of experience my opinions are not valid to some ppl then them ain really worth my time.

Anyway following the conversation I politely asked him to stop drawing attention to the fact that I am how I am as it comes across very condescending. And he said...and I quote "it won't happen again."

We all know what that means. :)


So Big Bad Ivan passed and we are all still alive and homes intact. Lucky ducks we all r :P I just pray nothing else doan come our way for the rest of the season:S

I gine bed. I vex lol

Sunday, September 05, 2004

First off....I just want to say that I am praying that all our loved ones in Florida are doing ok and have not been hit too hard by this hurricane...Lord jus be with them and protect them all the way. Amen.

Had a great time tonight..went out with Kim and bunch of our friends for a farewell dinner at Cafe Jungles. It was fantastic as always with Jean Paul and Boo just making everyone crack up. Loads of insults were traded LOL and it was just great to have the four girls together again...Me Kimme, the other Kimme a.k.a Harding and Lakeisha. The four of us were always together at SMS ...Boo vise we are all getting too old since we have TONS of memories and sound like old ppl when they are reminiscing. Who asked him huh???

Plan is for a day at the beach next week..that would be the official end of the summer of us...

This summer has been the absolute best. I had my best friend here for months and also got to link up with "my big sis" who is an asolute nut but one of the most amazing ppl I have ever met. Everyday I realise how lucky I am to know someone like her. She knows I got her back rite girl?? :) So now I got 2 K's in my life that are super close to me.

Well this next bit is completely unrelated....but I have a new's not the most positive thinking one but it sure saves me from alot. "Always leave room for disappointment."

I hate when I let my guard down.