All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


It's been an eventful week in my little world...wish I could share it all but you don't talk out your business. :) I finally managed to do something I've been meaning to do for some time...but I was stuck in a comfort zone and just could not get myself to move. It took a real nasty conversation with a family member of all ppl to get me to do it...but hey after that there was no turning back.

I really just want to be happy...but it sucks that the things in life which have the potential to make me happy are also wrong for me...isn't that just like life? To present you with something that can actually provide you some happiness...and then it turns out to be very brief? Common sense would tell you to avoid it right? In favour of long term happiness. But what do you do in the meantime? Life is so so so very confusing sometimes!

And again I find myself in the position where friends of mine are causing themselves drama...and I am trying my best to help and yet stay out of it at the same time...what's that all about eh?

So I have stopped eating meat. When I told my mom all she said was "Oh lovely. More meat for the rest of us." I've been hearing that ALL week. Anyway so far so good. If I make this week I am sure I can do another...I wonder if this will help me lose some weight! That would be fantastic really....

I honestly wish life were easier....I think then I would be happier.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It is hot as hell. Fan? The heat laughs at you.
Immense heat = immense urge to sleep which is thrawted by immense workload :(
Confronted my father regarding my antenna he so viciously possessed and he has agreed to return it.
Cannot stop watching Final Fantasy which I actually DID know about before certain persons provided me with the most recent movie so I ainno y dem doan hush and stop calling me a fraud *eyeroll*
Not sure if I should proceed with actually getting locs...determining whether to rebraid my hair or just straighten it ...again.
It's nice to find a male friend who's only interest in you is that of a being a friend and a close one at that!
I sleepy....bad.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hahahaha blogger has this new feature where you can see blogs that were recently updated. How cute is that?

Neways ...onto why I came here. I was wondering to myself...about how I would like to talk to alot of the males and ask them a question. And that question would be "When last did your heart skip a beat because of a girl's personality and intellect and not her body?" Does that sound silly? If so then just pause for a sec and think...

It's said to be a well known fact that males think with their lower half more so than their top half...but why is that?

It's understandable that first impressions are normally based on appearances since hey that IS the first thing you see when you meet a person....but I wonder...if you had a choice..and this goes to males and females...would you choose the beautiful banging body without a brain or the not so attractive body with a mind and who can carry on a conversation? Why is it that the majority of the times it's the former that wins out? Does everything have to be about appearances?


I just finished re-watching Mona Lisa Smile...the only artsy type film I have in my pitiful DVD collection lol...I doubt guys would like's really a chick flick. It's a film that follows an art teacher's year of teaching at a very conservative university...where the girls are pretty much biding their time until they are married. I mean these are really intelligent girls but all that is expected..or required of them is to get married, have kids and build a home their husband can be proud of. Well this teacher Katherine played by Julia who is what would have been called feminist in that day, sought to show them that it is possible to have a career AND family...but an ironic twist...was that she only had a career :) Beautiful movie nonetheless.

It's got a fantastic cast too. Brilliant performances by Juila Roberts (Katharine), Julia Stiles (I LOVE her), Kirsten Dunst and Maggie Gyllenhaal (who is the sister of Jake who is Kirsten's love interest :) fun Hollywood fact)


These people at the club have had my money for ages now...and I am running low on cash...not funny at all :s


And yes Boo....I still blog :)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Right now the only thing that seems to matter to me is how pissed off I am. It's almost like I can't see past the fact that we are meant to be such good friends...all I can see is that she is using another stupid silly power game. I want to say something...I started too...til he hit me with the "But this is something I've always wanted...y is it that when I finally decide I want something that someone tries to take it from me?". I very nearly puked. I mean if you know the person....KNOW them...and know how they operate...what makes you think that you will be the reason for them to change...what makes you think that you will be the one to get them to settle with you? What makes you think that they won't leave you and move on and you KNOW you're incapable of moving on? I mean why would you even do that to yourself??? And me the one left holding the dustpan.

I miss my little sister...she did really well in her CXCs so it's off to college now...aww bless her heart...miss her something awful tho...

Maybe I am not being a good friend...I mean I am being mean with the long silences...but a good friend wouldn't condone such measures would they...they would tell you if they are very wrong...

I would love to be wrong... I pray that I might be...but knowing both of them...stupse. I hate when people cause conflict in my life when I am not even directly in it...but whether my nose in or my nose is out...he is gonna get seriously hurt...and I fairly tired of picking up pieces of people. Especially when measures could have been taken to avoid it.

Some lessons should never be taught.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I hate the Power Rangers

And no...the title of this blog is not as random as it seems. I have just returned home from babysitting a child whose future is looking rather bleak due to the fact that he is obsessed with the Power Rangers. I've never had much love for this travesty of a show due to it's remarkably corny scripts, the utterly pathetic "special" effects and the fact that cheez on bred it real violent! So this 5 year old Julian doesn't seem to mind all that. Nah he thinks it's the greatest thing on the face of this earth :( It was horrible...he had two DVDS chock full of Ranger episodes...I think I know all the different group of rangers now...they're Space Rangers, Rescue Rangers, Galaxy Rangers etc...

But what really sent me over the edge were the episodes in which the Galaxy Rangers came to Earth to help the rescue rangers defeat YET another goon hellbent on taking over the was double vision...all I was seeing in front of me were two of each ranger....Julian lapped it up. He was all over the bed jumping doing some bizarro fighting moves, making the obligatorY "HYAH!!"....all the time we were doing colouring...and guess what he drew? Yup you guessed it. Power Rangers...and he seemed particularly annoyed that I didn't know how to draw the different creatures they morph into. I don't care. I thought my T Rex looked magnificent considering the fact I've never drawn one before...

Neways I finally turned the crap off and he turned sallow..asked me what my name was again and when I told him he threated to tell his mother how I wouldn't allow him to watch his shows. Somehow children think that stuff still works. Odd. Neways long story short I got out the puzzles I brought for him and we were working on completing one when his parents came back. Check this lil man getting even MORE annoyed cus I had to leave with the puzzle so he never got to finish it. But all's well that ends well...the parents tipped and I have to work again tomorrow night which means extra cash. That's never a bad thing now is it?

Power Rangers. what utter trash. Stupse.


Speaking of utter trash...what the hell is going on down in the Orleans? The horror stories coming out of there are just that...HORRIFYING. It's really devestating to sit and realise that humanity can come to such low depths...a brother killing his sister over water....I wonder if that water will console him at her burial...I mean seriously ppl have abandoned ALL reasoning. Ppl shooting AT the volunteers who are trying to get the injured persons out of the hospital to better care thus forcing them to remain inside...of course we dont know the full details but still...

I am pleased tho that the New Orleans mayor blasted the government for their lack of help. Why don't they get some more help down there and fast?? Shoot when those planes hit on Sept 11th NY was AWASH with trained rescuers as well as volunteers....where's the same rush of help I ask you? I know everyone has their theories about y help is taking so long to don't want to jump to conclusions but still you can't help but wonder....

Lord help them. Please. That is all you can say at times like these....

I hope we Bajans realise how lucky we are...imagine us being in a spot like that huh? Makes you wonder how you would deal with certainly wouldn't be easy.