All bow to the Queen!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Ode to my Mom

The past month has been a really strange one for me. I've always known that my mom was a great lady who would do anything in her power to help me...with anything. I've honestly never had any major fights with her. Come to think of it we hardly fight at all. And maybe that's why I love my mom so much...she's actually pretty damn easygoing. I can talk to her so easily about any and everything and the replies she comes back with just shock me at times. Simply because she's so damn real. I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost my mom....I know life would go on yeah but she's my biggest and best support and if it wasn't her in my life I wouldn't have anything. All I can do is thank God for the day I met this woman...If I could keep her with me forever I would.

I know some of the more cynical people will read this and be like "wuh she getting on so foolish for?"

I won't even bother to tell you to think about how you feel about your own mother and you would understand why I'm suddenly feeling sad, happy and alone all at the same time.

I'll just tell you what my Mummy tells me I should say to obnoxious, overbearing people, "Karr yuh tail!"

Mummy I love you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ok Im'ma do this in point form.

* Horrible week thus far for one reason in particular that I am not gonna mention. ARGH!!!

*Too much chocolate in the office...I'm not eating any of it but just the sight of it makes me ill :S

*Too much wine being sent to me by clients...and not one of the bottles ain Bailey's.

*Had to get Daddy to break the lock on my bedroom door cus the kids broke off something inside of it while they were trying to pick the lock to get inside my room. HA!

*Back's killing me from bending over while i gift-wrap and package gifts for our clients...and yet all they can send is chocolates and wine...

*An old "friend" is back up to his tricks...pity I know that game inside out...y bother to call? *shakes head in bewilderment*

*Went to see Narnia in VIP last night and I dare say I enjoyed it even more the second time around. In there is tres cool!

*The guy that kissed me in my neck rolled through here the other day to drop off something and stood up talking to me while caressing my hand. I have since filed papers for sexual harassment and I will be calling on some of you as character witnesses in aid of my cause.

*Men play too much games. Makes me glad I'm not about anything these days. And I don't think I ever will be again.

*Govan STILL has something belonging to me and claims he feeling lazy and ainno when I gonna get it. So not acceptable man. :( I have to wrap that dammit!

*Every free night I have is suddenly taken up by babysitting...damn my love of kids....and money...but more the kids definitely LOL.

*....I fairly pissed bout my bedroom door tho...bloody criminals.

*Christmas is almost here and I have....2 more gifts to buy! Hurrah!!!

That's it.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Well things have finally returned to normal. Or as normal as things can get in life anyway. The work has finally eased up and convo in the office has changed from "Have you finished that PO??? That has to go out now!" and "Have those brochures been delivered? The clients needs that!" to "You....that Christmas hat got you looking real doh. No seriously you look like a naughty elf. Wait you buying me lunch or wuh?"

As you can see the mood is quite festive. Very little to no work at all sure improves our moods lol.

Well naturally it being Christmas there is some drama that has popped up to try to upset and overwhelm me. And like an idiot I got myself involved in it during summer. Not intentionally but I hate to see ppl I treasure being used. But honestly? You can't control people. So if they want to go a certain route who am I to stop them? Good luck is all I can say.

Another thing...I hate users...I was accused of being one...however I think he was joking cus he said all women are users lol...but I don't consider myself one at all. If I ask for a favour I will find some way to repay you out of sheer gratitude. What I can't stand are ppl who use others via emotions....I hate it...and quite frankly I'm not sure I want ppl who do that sorta thing around me.

So Christmas is coming...I have all of what? 3 gifts so that I am not so sure I am going to give the person I bought it for since they really, really, really don't deserve any of caring, thoughtful gestures. Cus seriously that is what it was. I outdid myself this time I really did. But alas it might go to waste. Or go to someone else who would have appreciation for such a present.

Of course it all depends on my mood which is constantly changing...ugh hormones. :)

I dunno y my friends go and find themselves in the strangest predicaments and then ask me to help. Did I not say from the start not to get yourself in it? :S Maybe I really am a 40 year old woman stuck in a 22 year old's body...or I just miserable as hell....I might even be that...

*yawn* I fairly bored tho....but hey it's better than drama!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Not quite Cloud 9...

...but definitely getting there.

Today could have been horrible but I sat myself down for 5 mins and reasoned with myself. I am nor will I ever be Super Woman. Which means that as much as you pressure and hound me I can only do so much with the hours in my work day...and more often than not hours outside of my work day. It's gotten so bad that it's normal for me to leave work at 9 in the evening...Daddy hasn't gotten used to it tho...the other night I got home at around 12 which is far later than my normal he walks up to my bedroom door yesterday, looks at me with extreme disdain and says, "Whatever you're doing...don't think you can hide...I know what you're up to. You can't hide."

Dammit. Now I have to hide and do my work so he won't know. *weeps wretchedly* Such a paranoid old bat when he's ready lol...still love him tho. *shrugs* What can you do?

Well one more day til relative freedom...there's bound to be some sorta backlash hates to be left out but in order to get to the more important stuff you have to shove some ppl outta the way to get it sorted out ya know...and yet...I can just see my boss wanting to know why this wasn't done even tho he knows you were crying blood, sweat and tears to pull off some seriously impossible tasks...ah LORD.

It seems like my life has just become work...It's honestly really sad...I love my job but not when it is like this...all this backbiting and he said she said do this do that. I can't take it ya know. I just like my life peaceful.

Anyways...tomorrow should be the last day we have to deal with all of this mess. Everything should be out of here and over the rainbow and I can have a peaceful night's rest without the images of lightbox posters, business cards, price tags and product descriptions dancing in my head. *sigh* Oh Saturday how I long to see you lol...

The plan for the ladies in our building is to go salsa dancing (ha) since one of the girl's upstairs is a salsa teacher! Of course if I go I am going to observe. I dunno who they fooling atol....

An early week of vacation is the order for next year...might head up Trinidad since I haven't seen my Tanty (that's Aunty for you less educated ppl :P) and Madelle and Padelle and my hundreds of cousins in some years...keep saying I gotta go but I never do go...ain't that terrible?

I'm tired...I dunno if you can tell...I've rambled quite a bit in this blog...

Harry Potter next week. Little bright spark in my life...George is right ya know...the marketing wizardry at teens thing really isn't such a good idea...but I figure i'm an adult (for the most part) I can enjoy a movie for what it is...just a filim...I'm not gonna go and cast spells George so relax :P

Oh and that fraud Kimme is in the island. Yes I outted your behind. It's about time you told ppl you were here...Honestly if I wasn't otherwise occupied the other night when you called me I'd have been very pissed that you waited so long to call me. :P. We're going to see Potter on Wednesday so make sure you're ready in time. Damn fraud like you :P

Neways...bookings to be done and work to be proofed. Latas ppl.