All bow to the Queen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

So I went over to my Mom's yesterday and hung out with the family for a bit. Funnily enuff I never really used to do that much. The kids...even tho the ARE brats when they are ready...are actually really entertaining!

Daddy came home and started exclaiming when he found me stretched out on the couch watching TV, "Oh Jesus Lord yuh back already???" LOL

It was nice I gotta say....haven't really talked that much with the parental units or the kids in quite awhile. I guess everything is working out for the best.

Is it just me or REAL chinese stores opening up of late? I don't mean restaurants...we got nuff o dem already...I am talking about actual stores. It's insane. I counted like 5 in town this morning and one more in Green Hill. It's all very weird cus they all seemed to open at pretty much the same time.

I'm feeling very random. Maybe it's cus I'm hungry?

So my co-worker went home on sick leave today. I feel really bad for her. She really looked like crap when she came in today. Don't worry. I told her so to her face so it's not like I'm talking behind her back or anything. At least this way she will get some rest. God knows she deserves some time off!

......I'd like some time off.

Ah yes vacation. Well the first week was going to be in March BUT ...we have some project to do...and wouldn't be right if i left in the middle of it when we needed all hands on deck right? so I ended up having to push it back by another two's hoping it gets approved.

I'd love to take another trip this year. Was thinking about being cheap and just calling my mom and my sister and get them to go over to Trinidad and shop. It's supposed to be a good shopping place no? I really never did much shopping when I used to visit was all about seeing the relatives....Neways I haven't seen Madelle (Grandma) in a long time...Padelle (Grandpa) died a couple years back...which is a shame cus he died before I got to see him and really remember him.

All I remember of him is the old white man who used to sing to me and put rum in my Milo or Ovaltine to get me to go to sleep.

God bless him.

Lord knows what I will end up doing. But the same money I would spend on planefare to go London or elsewhere I could spend on clothes in T n T no?

Then again I just remembered that Jason as well as another hooligan will be in NY over summer so maybe I should just go make their lives miserable the same way they do mine.

Brilliant! :D

Well that's it for now. Off to see Heath in Casanova. No Brokeback jokes please. I've heard them all.

RENT tomorrow!!!

P.S. Hannibal Lecter is a sicko. But a brilliant one at that.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I had the weirdest dream the other day. There was this guy that I hadn't spoken to in quite some time....solely cus I had written him off. Nehoos after months of ignoring the fact that he existed this world and the next....I ended up having to call him because I needed something done and he was the person best suited for that task. (nothing dirty ok...gutter rats)

So I called and explained the sitch and somehow he managed to change the topic and we got onto how our lives have been going since we last spoke etc etc. Then finally I manage to switch things back to the original question and I get my answer. So as I am about to go off the phone he drops a comment and says "I hope you see that wasn't as hard as you thought it might have been. You should call more often."

I think I woke up then. Yea I know what's the point right? What struck me about the dream was two things... remarkably real it seemed. The reason I am even blogging about this is that I sat here and just now and remembered the incident but I swore to God that it actually happened. And I had to seriously check with myself about whether or not I did call the twit. Then I realised I can't remember any of his numbers regardless. How's that for disassociation Boo? You should be proud of me babes. :)

The scond thing about the dream that bugged me was his comment. About how it wasn't as hard as I make it seem. Truth is I probably do make things a lot harder than they need to be. Not just me...but ppl in general...especially when it comes to relationships.

For the longest time I've said I don't want one because I cannot be bothered. Simply cus I can't find the kind of guy I want. It was just turning out to be too much hassle. And even when I couldn't see what I wanted someone would come along and I'd say hmm hmm ok lemme see what could happen there but of course it would eventually go south.

Of course I've had countless males tell me that I DO make things hard for myself with these impossible standards I have and how I need to lower my expectations. And that I make a relationship into too much of a big deal.

Am I making things too hard for myself by wanting so much things in one person? Am I really asking for too much?

Would just settling for whatever came along actually be the better choice? Would I then be making it easier for myself? Chances are that isn't so. Because then I would be compromising what I know would make me satisfied for what I hope will make me satisfied. Then next thing ya know later down the road I realise I wasted years on someone I'm simply not compatible with. Wouldn't I have made it more difficult on myself by doing that?

I think I rather like being difficult. And I'm pleased I've made it difficult for myself. God knows it'll keep me out of trouble.

Don't people answer the phone in Antigua???

Is a tuna casserole and a tuna salad the same thing? I say nay.

It's been a weird Wednesday.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Alright so where to begin....

Firstly it was a good birthday. Started off really well since my "twin" a.k.a Sex (lol!) called me to wish me a good day and to boast about the fact that SHE had the day home. We've been friends since we were 11 and it was cemented in the fact that we're both born on the same day.

Then Mummy in SVG called me and sang to me while I was on the way to work. *shakes head* My mom is an even bigger kid than me. Lord I miss her terribly. Must go and see her soon.

Didn't do much celebrating since that really isn't my thing. Just grabbed a buddy and went to see a movie. Best laugh I had in ages. Not just because of the flick. It had a lot to do with some males that were in there making all sorts of wisecracks that had me and everyone around me just dying. I love going to movies with males. It's just double the fun. Men cud talk some junk hear?

Nehoos. I enjoyed the movie so much (who doesn't love martial arts???) that I am going back tonight with the same friend and we're taking along another guy who's bound to understand our brand of humour. *HUGE grin*

Work has been pretty slow...but my boss brought word yesterday that there is in fact another launch coming up. *sigh* Thankfully it's being handled by the most efficient woman I know so it should be less of a struggle like the last one.

Damn tho....this job is making me old before my time!

So today is Friday 13th....I wonder what weird thing will happen today? For sure it will be horrible day. Not cus it's the 13th...but cus all my Fridays are horrible. Of course that just makes the weekend all the much sweeter.

Having my parents over for dinner on Sunday....I wonder what Daddy will think of the new place?

Sometimes I sit and wonder how people could hold onto grudges? It's such a tremendous waste of time I find. I guess that's why I like the friends I have. Cus they can cuss me out on certain things and lord knows I cuss them back but after the dust has settled it's like "Yea so wuh we doing this weekend heffa?" I wouldn't trade my friends in for the world. Grudgers are essentially time-wasters. I don't envy how they will be in old age...cus the older you get the harder it is to change. Thing is you realise eventually that you are a REAL idiot for hating or disliking someone over something extremely trivial when you could simply act like they don't exist....or do what I do. Be polite. Don't mean you got to be social. Just be...mature. I guess it's too much to ask for some people. Oh well.

P.S. Crackers! She cooked an amazing Shepherd's Pie the other day. Add that to the list of things she has to do for you when you get back!


Monday, January 09, 2006

I dunno what's happened to me these days. I was talking to a buddy of mine and he commented on how he loved "the new me". I don't know when it happened or how but I guess I am glad I fnally grew up and realised I don't need to be everyone's crying shoulder. I'm a pretty ok person and if you need to vent or cry I'm there for you. But y should I honestly give of my self and my time when people go and land themselves back in the same foolishness over and over again? What's the sense in that? I personally cannot see it therefore my response to such cases will no longer be as it was before. Anyone who can't deal with it then tough. I'm tired of being the damn sounding board.

These days life is so great since I've begun weeding out burdens. Like I said ears are yours once you're not assailing them with the same probs over and over again. I dun wid dat. It's more than just that tho. Since I finally moved out life is just so much easier...I feel like I have room to breathe and I'm not constantly surrounded by people. It's so freeing.

My roomie is a pretty cool chica. She can cook a mean chicken stew so I figure I'll keep her around lol. The 3rd member of our little ensemble is Patch. Who's just a giant wuss but when she snuggles up to you on a blanket you forget that fact.

The house is pretty nice. Mummy finally saw it this past Saturday and she was suitably impressed. Couldn't ask for much more could I? Once she's happy I'm happier.

Work at present is pretty quiet...a pleasant break from months gone by....altho a little birdie told me things are set to get hectic in another month or I better enjoy this time as it comes eh?

My birthday's coming up...and I can't say I am happy about it at all. 22 years old and I don't feel like I've accomplished a thing. Time will tell....

I'm pretty darn sleepy right now...wish I was home so desperately......

Anyways that's pretty much it for now.

Haven't heard Daana since she left and I'm not sure if she is back. Hope all is well with you chica. I'll be seeing you next month :P

Happy Birthday Govan. Have a blast.

Happy Birthday Rog in advance. Who knew our birthdays were so close?

Bye all and have a great week.