All bow to the Queen!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

But WHY does the weekend have to fly so fast?? It was JUST Friday night :( When's the next holiday I ask you?? WHEN??!!

Short as it was I did have some fun this weekend. I pretty much stayed in my room and watched DVDS. Sometimes the best company you can find is yourself. I went out about twice..once to get my face interesting experience to say the least. Wasn't quite sure what to expect but it went pretty well! Had a nice face massage and it was beeeeyooootiful! Lord it feels so nice when someone washes your own face for u LOL. I highly recommend it to anyone! I'm glad I took along a friend lol since she seemed to enjoy the massage as well.

Well another week has passed and Steph is due back on Thursday...and I admit things have been going well thus far...altho I can't help but feel something is gonna go wrong...and I am just not looking forward to it....but here's hoping it doesn't mess up....only 3 more days to go...

So church was really good today...altho I did notice two things that kinda jumped me...I realise tho...I can't say I am a malicious person because I really don't check for people at all. It's only today that I realised that my former childhood best friend is about 5 months pregnant...that shocked me to end. And a family who has been with our church from since inception, were active in ministry and all apparently left....for weeks now...and I never realised....they'd done a family vacation a few years ago so when I didn't seem em around I just figured they were on another one...

I really ought to pay more attention to my surroundings...

Work in the morning...Y do I suddenly feel so tired....

Regardless life is good. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The horseback riding was amazing. Quite frankly when I saw the creatures up close for the first time it jumped me. I never realised how huge those things are! And the thing is it's not like we were even using very big least that is what the instructor told us. Nehoos we took an hour's ride through some seriously muddy fields. Horses tried to stop numerous times to eat the grass but we did as we were told and pulled the head back up, gave it a kick and continued on. Apparently for a group of first-timers we were pretty damn good and nearly beat the record time back which was set by a group of experienced riders. How cool was that?? There was much cheering and congratulations going on between us and the other tourists who were also in the group that day.

My thighs tho...Good Lord. I tell ya we were all shifting in our seats trying to get used to the feeling of having those muscles moving under you. Um ain easy atol. But eventually you settle...eventually.

Oh my horse was named Brooke. Gorgeous chestnut mare. SO well behaved. I think I fell in love with her LOL. All I could say after today is...cha I want a horse...but just thinking about how expensive taking care of one of those is, is enough to make you change your some extent.

Neways after the ride it was back to my place to get some fresh clothes and shoes...cus that mud is not easy. My sneakers look horrendous. So clothes, DVD player and some random DVD's later we went shopping got some more stuff for the weekend and it was back to the house.

Was it just me or was the heat on Saturday absolutely ridiculous? Good Lord man it was terrible. Had one of the ppl in our party ready to faint. Had to get them some lunch and back to their room quickfast before they went down dread. Made it just in time!

Spent the rest of the day with Boo's ex woman :P We talked non stop. This is one girl that I can not see her for months, but when we do see each other...just try prying us apart. Talked from around 2 until 11 then passed out in one of the rooms with the A/C blasting. Woke up around 1 30 because a crazy person texted me *massive eyeroll* hauled my ride's butt outta bed and got home mussee about 1/2 half ago. I am so damn tired but I had to put the memory of this day somewhere that I could look back at it and remember it. It was a truly fantastic day. Has me feeling so good I just offered to take my two nieces on the horse riding tour before the summer special is out because all I could thing of on the trip was "Rasheeda and Gabby would love this. My mother would just freak out. LOL"

I get paid next week so shall see. Nehoos the fun continues tomorrow after Church so who knows I might have more to blog. WHOO HOO!!

Laters all!

Friday, August 19, 2005

So today was a good day. Actually it was a good week. I proved to myself that I can totally handle myself in the office without Steph. Her job is not easy and I am seeing that for myself but somehow still managing and boy that is a confidence builder! I still can't wait til she gets back tho...I miss having a girl around to chat with in the office...the only chick I get to talk to during the day is the psycho girlie upstairs who for some reason is always threatening to beat me *cries* She's just so mean :P Nehoos she is still good company (y)

Plans for the weekend were shot to some extent. A bunch of us managed to get a house for the weekend and it was going to be this massive sleepover/party thing but tiredness got the better of me so I am home right now. Was really looking forward to it..even went grocery shopping with Boo and Greig earlier this week for same said weekend. That was something else LOL....y'all men suck at shopping. That is all I have to say on that matter.

The plan for now is to just link up with them in the morning for the horseback riding and take the weekend from there.

All in all it's still looking to be quite a bit of fun.

Here's hoping the horse don't chuck me off a cliff cus with my luck....Lord Jesus havest mercy lol....


I see Rhonda appears to be counting down....I wonder what too LOL :) Happy for you missy (y)


Thus concludes today's report. Have a nice weekend y'all!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Wannabe Bad Girl Christian speaks out

I managed to take a look at Kerry's blog today. And I questioned whether or not to comment on it here or if to leave it alone. On one hand it’s likely that people would say "I know she couldn't reply to that" If I didn't…and then on the other "She just couldn't leave it alone" when I did.

First of all I have never said a bad word to the young lady in question. Other than to tell her your attitude sucks. She told me that if I didn't agree with her attitude I could f*ck off. You may not remember Misery but I do. Anyway that was ages ago but that was just to say that the only thing semi - negative I have said to her was something she probably hears a lot anyway. So then y wud I start telling her something negative and downright rude after all this time? Does that even compute?

In retrospect I should have realized the moment I said what I said that people were going to take it to mean something insulting and that the matter would have escalated. Then again my foresight isn’t always the greatest.

Looking at some of the comments I read now….someone gave me a word of advice "that God should not be locked away in a closet…you sin in thought, word or deed." It amused me. Because the first thing ppl tell you when you say or do something considered to be wrong is "You're a Christian. You should know better." But since it appears that we all know then y aren't we all following that advice? I guess it's just easier to use the Christianity branding as a way to slap some ppl back into their place while everyone else carries on merrily saying and doing and thinking whatever they want about whoever they want…particularly the Christian since the rules don't apply to them. They DO apply to everyone: Christian or not.

But if the only thing ppl can say about me right now is "Oh she's a "Christian" she should know bettter," then that is fine by me.  And y wunna so quick to put Christian in brackets over one thing? And they talk about me making assumptions…..

Where did this thing come about that Christians are meant to be docile and sit back and take everything that comes at them?

I'm not sure about the wanna be bad girl Christian title….I may be a bit of a loudmouth recently but that’s better than being a doormat like I used to be….it just seems some ppl preferred me as a doormat. Wipe your shoes elsewhere.

Another thing …and this is to everyone…the same way you can stick up for your friends, you should tell them when they are wrong for saying or doing certain things. If you or a friend of yours spend all your life being mean, horrid, rude and making disparaging and insulting comments to other people especially when they are not warranted, then don't be surprised if one day someone does the same to you and it offends you. Whether the intent of the comment was to insult you or not. You treat people how you want to be treated. When that treatment is returned you learn to deal with it.

It's unfortunate that I didn’t think better of making that comment on the board seeing as how quite a number of ppl do go on it and it could reach the wrong people.

But once the young lady knows she isn't what everyone believes the comment to be then she has nothing to worry about. And no Kerry I am not confused. I knew what I meant when I said it.

I don't expect much people to see or even understand where I am coming from since the case has already been shut without me even having a say. But regadless my conscience is clear.

I'll go back to living my life as "wanna be bad Christian girl."

Friday, August 05, 2005

Males avert your eyes.

So I've made some progress where this weight loss thing is concerned....well sorta. I haven't lost any weight as yet but I've realised I was making the problem bigger than it was.

See I was there telling myself that I need to lose x amount of pounds so I can be somewhat satisfied with my body. Which of course i DO need to do. But you looking at it collectively it seemed like such a giant task and so daunting that even tho I had started the gym whatever results I was getting did not seem enough. And then more babysitting hours popped up and it was bye bye gym and hello opporunity for a trip to New York lol....

Anyway I've realised that looking at it collectively is not a good thing at all. So I am going to take this thing and break it down into stages. So...I am just going to concentrate on losing 10 pounds at first...then another 10 and so on and so forth til I reach my desired weight. See 10 pounds does not seem as daunting as the original x I was thinking about. I can do 10 pounds for sure!

Anyway...that's a part of the brilliant weight loss just to figure out the rest of it. Any suggestions? Dont tell me about stop over-eating cus the only meals I eat in a day are lunch and on rare occasions dinner. And I hardly snack. And when I do snack it's some sorta fibre based snack. But I heard that eating less might actually make things eating more is the solution? egad!

Well here's to hoping that I lose that first 10 pounds and soon. Please ppl any weight loss tips you can give me would me much much much appreciated.