All bow to the Queen!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Yea so the trip home went well. ^__^ And now I miss them all lol...Next year tho...summer hopefully.

Back at work and this week has been going marvellously well. The day I started back work I came in to find my Christmas bonus waiting for me at my desk. *I beams* I tell you that got my spirits soaring. Then later on in the day my boss came in announced that he was giving everyone a day off for the week and my day was the following day!!! So I was able so spend some quality time with my "Big sis"...I must have a million of those by now lol.

So the day was spent hanging with her and a friend of hers in town just buying stuff really. Was able to get her a couple of nice gifts and that made me feel pretty good cus she's the type that is always giving to other ppl.

I am actually here at work waiting for these hugemongous emails to go off ..and so tired am I that I found myself sleeping at the desk...luckily I am the only one here lol...the phone woke me up...y do ppl always call after closing time?:s

Waiting for a fall out actually..did something that I know the 'rents won't approve life is gonna be stressing for the next couple days. It's minor tho when you think of all the other stuff I could be doing.'s cute.

Life is pretty boring right about now but what's more exciting than actually having life? I count myself lucky...and blessed...

I just keep looking at those tsunami victims numbers as they rise and realise that life isn't bad for alot of us...if only we could wake up and realise that at least for us there is hope for a better future. And hey it's almost a New Year..what better time to start than now. ^__^

Friday, December 24, 2004

It's day two of my trip to Vincy Land. And nothing is going as planned. Instead of going to see my Grams with my lil sis I am here waiting for the phone to ring for the stupid airline to inform me that they have indeed sent up my luggage from Barbados. I'll be lucky as hell if I do get it cus apparently the luggage that came up on my flight was actually three days late. So I am here lounging around my mother's house in a t shirt and this pants which fits me like a capri cus of the fact that I am miles taller than she is lol..

I never realised how fustrating it could be not finding ur luggage cus hey it has never happened to me before. I felt like I was gonna cry or something cus all the presents I brought up were in that bag. :/ At least I wasn't alone cus the majority of the passengers didn't get their stuff either. My mother came and made loads of noise about it causing Mr Supervisor to come out and start checking de customers to find out who was losing what...thing is there were like 40 something passengers and only one guy working the counter..obviously the lines would move slow in that case ...only adding to the anger and disappointment of the waiting persons. *shrugs* well after her telling off the guy at the counter (kinda felt bad for him tho) his leader came out and started helping him. LOL and called me up next when I was actually a few ppl back in the line. Both my mothers are the same..never take no for an answer. :)

The family is almost the same as I 16 yr old sis Aviar (pronouced Av - yah)is as slim as ever and she still looks like she is 13 lol...tall tho. Stayed up last night talking to her about boys and stuff....she's a real sweetheart.

My brother Andrew is taller than me :@ that had me really annoyed since I can't boss him around anymore :( And he's filled out!! Mr Man has muscles now and apparently is getting into modelling now. He is getting quite handsome 0_0 Mummy is gonna have to keep an eye on him LOL

Mum and Dad are the same. Working hard hard hard. The new house finally got finished so there's something to celebrate.

Missing home alot. Actually missing Ian, JP and Carlos. If I were home now I'd be somewhere with the three of them talking crap. Miss em but still happy to be "home" ^__^

Here's hoping everyone haves a Great Christmas. God bless!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I want to have happy blogs...I do....but it's hard to when my brother is constantly pissing me off to the point of cursing him. Since he moved back here every blasted thing is in chaos. I don't mind him using my stuff but for God's sake have the common decency to return my things to my room when ur done cus maybe JUST maybe I might need them for myself?? I can't listen to my radio cus the cord is gone and no one can re call where it went. Can't watch my TV cus the cord that connects it to the video is missing and has been replaced with an old cord that does not work. I am not miserable...I just sick and tired of ppl doing crap when they know better. This may seem like a small matter right but put urself in my position. It is extremely annoying when you have to use something and you can't cus some inconsiderate body decided it was better off in their hands and then lo and behold later on they can 't find it...and those are just the minor things...the crap this man has done to be since he has been here....Lord grant me patience.....

Well New Year's is almost here so it's time to start making those resolutions we all know we're gonna break by Feb.
So mine so far are...

*Lose weight so I can somehow get a flat tummy. Hey anything is possible dammit :@

*Save harder towards University.

*Work towards a far more intimate relationship with God (that really shoulda been att the top)

* Be more diligent with my work

*Call my Mommy more often

*Eat breakfast before I leave home

*Wear more...ugh...skirts

*Get backrubs

Yeah that's about it for me. I am sure there will be more later that I will most definitely break lol.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The reactions ppl give me when my Mum tells them I am a her daughter always leave me laughing. They either can't believe she has another child and/or that I am so red. Suddenly it's a novelty to find a black parent with a red child. Who knew....

Bosses can be so unpredicatable. I get in at 7 30 - 8 pratically every morning. Yesterday was the first day I was late (cus of the bus) and Steph spoke to me and said that my boss wasn't very pleased. He butt me coming into the office and smiled and everything so who knew that was coming. Why ppl jus can't come right out and say what they have to and stop relaying messages? And more importantly why is it that he never notices that I come in a half hour earlier than everyone else and leave an hour later? It just seems to be human nature to find the fault in most things. That's pretty sad.

Who was the smart person that told the Licensing Authority to get their act together? Seems if you don't move quickly enuff these days you gotta end up waiting a good 3 to 4 months to get an appointment to go for your learner's permit...just the permit...oh well more time added to the loads I have allocated to waiting...I just really wanted the stupid thing as soon as possible. Ah well...

Spilled my Chinese yesterday and was very very very depressed about it since I had been craving it for ages. Ended up calling Ian to come take me home cus I wasn't gonna catch the bus with my jeans covered grease. 0_0. The lunatic came for me (thanx babes) and JP came along for the ride. Lol...I love those clowns tho. Altho I can't stay around JP too long...I'd die from laughing. :)

I got over my Chinese depression tho (man u know what's spilling something you been craving for ages? nuff to mek yah cry :'( ) since a real sweetie swung by and asked me what I wanted to eat. Within 10 mins he was back and gone with the wind lol....that brightened things up. Thanks babes (k)

Very very sleepy rite now...trying so hard to stay again tonite...hope they sleep as well as they did the past couple nights.

Monday, December 13, 2004

I seriously think it's time ppl started exploring the possibility of having 3 day weekends. By the time yuh blink it's Monday morning again. Only good thing about Monday is it's the least stressful day at work for me. And of course you know that I said so tomorrow is gonna be hell. *shrugs*

Tho fast gone the weekend was semi ok. Got dragged off to town with Best Friend No 1 on Saturday...she promised to get me could I resist....we ended up doing loads of walking around trying to find stuff for her aunt and then something for Miss Thang to wear to dinner next week. I must say she is really coming out of her shell..the things that girl decided to try on..well i tell ya :P

Then it was back home and off to work to sit for these two lil girls. Got there and one was already asleep. The older sis stayed up apparently just to meet who her sitter was...her parents left and we chatted for like 10 mins then she announced she was completely "shattered" and was going to bed and I could watch whatever I felt like..... 0_0 LOL such cheek! She was actually very polite tho..a real little madame.

Watched Canterbury Tales...which was interesting...plot about this woman close to about 60 and she had this 22 year old chap. He was madly in love with her but she apparently used him to make herself look like she was it...which is a twist from the usual plots which is young guy gets with old chick for money and she turns out to the victim. I guess everyone wants to be loved.

Also watched this new show called the Awful Truth which was hosted by the guy who did that documentary on 9/11 one Michael Moore....he was just going around exposing alot of things in American society which was less than tasteful. One thing that stuck with me was these "Christians" were out there campaigning against homosexuals. So Moore and this whole troop of homosexuals went out there to talk with him. It was hilarious how they behaved. But what had me ticked was the reaction of the campaigners...they started lady had an amazing voice but it was kinda spoiled by the fact she was singing "God Hates Gays"..they even had little kids holding placards with that slogan. Sickening. It's no wonder ppl are so skeptical of Christians...they're just some out there doing things in the Name of the Lord and are seriously misguided....gotta wonder if it will ever change cus truthfully it's been happening for centuries...the amount of wars...the amount of deaths and executions..all the lives taken..all in the "Name of God".

Time will tell.

Off to another week of work. Hope it goes quick, fast and painless.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Ok so I hate when parents bring their kids to the movies. Particularly at night. And especially when they know the child or children have no behaviour whatsoever.

I went to see the Incredibles last Monday with some friends...and ya know I got there sat down was feeling all excited like cus next day was a bank holiday so the night could be spent just chilling and having a good ole like 15 mins into the movie I am there having a ball when in walks this couple with their 3 kids all under the age of 4 (and Mommy is pregnant btw) and they to me. Well not right next to me since one of my friends was luckily sitting between me and the family from hell.

Dear God talk about annoying. Oh god the crying the screaming the begging for more popcorn it nearly drove me nuts. I gin probably get tell I being real dramatic and unfair right but how fair is it for you to bring your kids into a movie and exert so little control over them that they ruin the viewing experience for other ppl. I hate that sorta inconsiderate behaviour I HATE it!

Oh rite and the reason I mentioned the fact that they kids were all under 4 and that she was pregnant as well is cause I also don't like to see things like that. To me it looks somewhat careless. Like having kids for having em sake. Yeah that sounds really cold hearted and unfair but that's just how I see it. I know that not everyone is like that but still someone needs to show some of these Bajans how to use a damn condom or get them to start taking birth control pills!! And stop bring the kiddies to late nite shows and making my life miserable!!

So work is going ok. Steph has another two weeks of vacation so she might take em at the very end of the year. Whoo. Pee. lol

Still going away to see my Mum and the rest of the family for a couple days and that should also be loads of fun. :)

Neways that was my lil rant. I just remembered it..bad bad retention skills over here. Life is good in any case and hopefully will keep getting better. Toodlez!!