All bow to the Queen!

Monday, May 31, 2004

Ka CHING!!!!

Finally days of prayer and hoping have resulted in work!! Whoo hoo!! Got a call for babysitting last nite when I was at Olympus. Went to see Shrek but alas it was sold out. So we saw Day after Tomorrow instead. Which was pretty damn interesting I must say....neways I digress.
Rite money!! If I can get two more weeks of this sorta work then I will be set where plane fare is concerned and still have some leftover cash which will promptly be put on the bank. If I get to sit for all three months...well that will be even better. Lord just let it work out.
The kids is pretty ok..didn't cry once thank Heaven...can't stand crying babies....well the ones that go on and on anyway.
I gotta say tho....I hardly ever see any black guests at the the 2 years I been sitting there I have encountered ONE black family one Asian and all the rest were white....for some reason it bothered me...
They wanted me to sit again tonight but the head sitter was like give her a break she had him all the arrangement was made that I have Harvey in the day and someone else will sit him at night. ^___^

Well finally got to see my girl after months upon end...even thought she seemed otherwise occupied...*eyeroll*

Resisted the urge to punch this guy square in the face when he kept coming at me asking me how come I left Mixx....

convo went like this...

Dude: So Mel I mean you left Mixx and you didn't really say anything about it? So what happened??
Mel: Well DudeI really doan like talking about it. I'll tell you sometime later.
(Dude advances forward): But I really want to know. What was the breaking point for you? The straw that broke the camel's back?
(Me steps back) : I just said I really doan wanna talk about it. It's a sore point for me.
Dude: Oh come on you can tell me? I just really wanna know!

So by this time I am highly pissed of and I had to tell Ian to get him away from me...ppl doan lissen??? If I doan wanna talk about it that means I DON'T want to talk about it..simple!!

All in all the weekend wasn't bad at all. Limed at a friend's house and watched Fight Club. Very disturbing yet intruiging stuff....too bad I didn't get to see the ending. :(


Saturday, May 29, 2004

You know..once your romantically interested in someone ur bound to get mad with them. Of this I am convinced. It's like the things I can say to my other male friends who have no interest in me other than just a friend I can't say cus they will get pissed off. Take Boo for instance. I call him a loser all the time. It is not done in seriousness. And anyone who knows me knows how I talk. I say punk. I call my closest female friends heffas cus that is longstanding joke among us. I tell them that they're weird. They ask me who I am to talk. lol. Greig Corey and Jason are my closest male friends and I can tell them anything they doan get offended. I guess cus gthey know me.

This ....came from ...a blow up I had recently with a male....acquaintance. Now ok I am certain he likes me at least that is what he says.Yet he can;t seem to get used to the way I am and expects me to change for him. I haven;t asked him to change for me cus I doan see why he should cus we aren't in anything. Make sense? So tonite I texted him and told him this game sucked. I was referring to the Shrek game Digicell had going on. I stupidly assumed that he would know what i was talkimg about since he has a digi phone. He texts me backs hours later...what game.

I was like Forget bout it....LOSER!!!

Now maybe this was one of my more blonde moments but I doan see how I offended him...honest...if I had texted anyone else they would have stupsed at me and said Mel ur insane. anything along those lines. I got the lecture of my life. Told me to enjoy my life as I have made it. :S I am really really lost.Then I asked him what it was i said that upset him so much and he said if this is my way of caring and showing affection it has to change cus he can't handle that. Am wuh de hell? I really ainno what to say about this, If someone can please explain to me how he got this offended then I would be truly grateful.

p.s bite me J. :P

Friday, May 28, 2004

You really need positive ppl in ur life. Not ones who will suck everything out of ur being.
And stop putting definitions on things. Just let it be.Makes life so much easier.

oh yeah Kim's home!!! Missed you girl!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

ok so this is where i scream.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

One word people....Troy. Go see it. It was amazing!!! And no I am not saying this because I have an unhealthy obsession with Orlando Bloom altho I must add her that his character REALLY sucked. The star was of course Brad Pitt a.k.a Achilles and Hector who I now realise was played by Eric Bana (the Hulk.

Oh man this movie totally rocked. It was dramatic and at times very humorous and yes there were tons of male figures garaunteed to make any female swoon. Actually me and Liesl were there clapping like idiots when Orlando first came on the screen. Our male counterparts weren't impressed lol.

There was romance too of course and that was also very entertaining. The things ppl do for love ^__^

The fight scenes were FANTASTIC and whoever choreagraphed them mad props to them. And the actors were FIT!! especially Brad!!And lemme just state here that I was never a Brad Pitt fan. I don't think I ever will be but I have a newfound appreciation for him. He played his role to perfection.

Just go see the movie ppl. It's well worth the 12 dollars. (y)

Monday, May 17, 2004

Feels Good...

I've had a fantastic weekend.^__^

Ok so they say it's better to give than to receive. And it's so true. This weekend was one of celebration. Three people that I know had birthdays ranging days within each other and so plans were made between myself and another friend to hold something anything for these ppl. One of them wasn't able to attend (hardy har har) but the other two did. For Miss Laura it was a surprise and Daana got her share of surprises as well lol. But there's nothing I like more than shocking a good way of course and the looks on both their faces on Saturday was priceless and it just felt great to see ppl that you actually like happy. And I am sure they both felt special...especially when they super yummy chocolate cake came out!!! Miss Daana was clearly feeling some sorta groove and felt compelled to get up and do a lil ting causing NAFF men to stare LOL. And Laura..well she like she was stunned cus she just sat there with a smile on her face and didn;t talk much. We got her good!!

Ok I am too emotional cus it made me want to cry a little cus it was just really great that ppl saw fit to come out and wish these girls Happy Birthday. lord I gin get corny now ....but the response just shows how close ppl can become and how much they value the friendships with each other. I thought it was beautiful and I felt truly blessed to be there last night cus the companionship could be felt among everyone. Twas an evening to remember. ^___^

So once again Happy Birthday Miss B and Daana!!!!!

P/S....check out the new Cafe Jungles in St Lawrence Gap (y) It totally rocks.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Life is super boring right now and I really wish Kim would haul her butt back home. Summer work doesn;t start for another week or so hence I have squat to do. Yes I have other friends who are around and I enjoy hanging with them but there's reason she is my best friend and that's cus she understands me unlike everyone else who think they understand me and and know what's bothering me whan really and truly they have NO clue. Two more weeks. And I hope Jase comes home as well even tho he is being extremely anti social and acting like we don't want him here when all I've been doing for months is begging like a dog for him to come home so I can see him!!

Right. Nothing new in my world except I got my hair braided. Big whoop. *eyeroll* It looks ok to me. Fairly long and it's this reddish color to match my hair. Mummy is not impressed (as usual) she prefers me to wear the blonde braids which are short and curly but those things were doing too much damage to my poor head.

Another weekend is at hand. Whatever shall I

Bored...bored bored bored.....but definitely not stressed.^__^ (y)

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Well la ti da.......

so Blogger has a new look, Vereee interesting indeed!!!

Ok so what's been up with me lately eh? Not one thing. *shrugs* Quit muh job hurrah for unemployment and for rite now waiting for summer to start so I can get some cag....gee I sound like a student.

Majority of the stress is gone now and I can breathe...and the headaches are less frequent.Have to go get a check up this week tho anyway.

I dunno what it is about arguing with my dad that makes me have this irresistable urge to stick out my tongue? He argues about the most inane things!! Is that where I get it from? I know I miserable but Daddy takes it to a new level.....I pray for my sanity..what is left of it....

Some ppl are so sneaky..gone and plan flights on the very day they were hatched thus ruining perfectly good birthday plans. That was planned..I know it was....:P Have a Great one anway man.

Had a good time this weekend. Friday I meant to go to see Hellboy with some friends but it didn;t work out that way but ended up seeing that along with Home on the Range the following day with another set of friends and had a great time as both movies were very funny. Had a most peculiar headache but I attribute that to the fact that I hadn;t eaten much that day at all except a puppy dog lol during the movie. Came home kinda early and crashed til Sunday morning.Then it was church home and sleep. Got up to find the house was once again flooded due to our malfunctioning machine. Of course in true fashion Dad blamed me for using it when I had asked him about THREE times earlier if it was safe to use it and he said Yes stop asking him the same question over and over. And so I used it...but some BRILLIANT person forgot they hadn't secured the pipe which runs water off the machine out thru ....wherever it goes....and so when the water was coming off it ran into the house......but somehow...this was my fault....

Neways I got other things to worry about in life than Daddy and his weirdness.

Other than that life is good. ^__^

Lord let me not bite my tongue in the coming days.:S

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

So here I am going thru some music files on my computer when I stumble across Genie in a Bottle. And it got me to thinking that I really gave the utmost respect for Christina Aguilera. When you take a look at her music now to her music today you realise one of two things has happened.

She either has 1. Evolved completely from the cute and sorta sexy Genie in A Bottle to full on Dirrty girl and all in the space of a couple years.

Or what I think is the real story

2. She played the music industry like a puppet on a string. Clean Cut former Musketeer who did as Disney asked. She sang their songs; she did the dances and worked that image, which got her name and her voice and her undeniable talent out there. Then oops off she fell from the face of the earth only to emerge later with what it is her true image. Sure she dresses like a skank but if that’s her look then so be it. What I find ringing true about Ms Aguilera is her words…this time it’s not some manufactured pop targeted at getting all the little kiddies to sing along. This time it’s her saying what concerns her as a woman. Life, love, sex the girl is singing it all. Can’t Hold us Down, Dirrty and the Voice with In are so much more mature in years compared to Genie in a Bottle and Come on Over. Xtina, which she likes to be called now, is definitely catering towards adults now.

I admit when she first came back onto the scene it jumped me and I was like a lot of ppl who criticized her and kept comparing her to that other chick…wunna know who I mean.

But I was wrong…Christina is the real deal. Besides her voice is X times better than that Bond wannabe.

…..this sounds disturbingly like a review :S


My nieces were here regaling me earlier with a story about how a beetle flew in the eldest’s underwear and she had to crush it to death. Too much information? I think so too. Nice when they comb my hair tho lol.

Oh yeah another song I’ve re discovered :$…Take Your Breath Away by Sarah Mclachlan. She is class.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Maybe It's Me....

So Naolat told me something this weekend that made some sense considering it was coming from Nao of all ppl. :P She said to me "I don't really consider it flirting if the other person doesn't realise they are being flirted with." And it made sense. The same goes for relationships. You can't be in a relationship if BOTH people don't know it. And there is no such thing as a semi-relationship. You either are or you aren't.

Also if you say to someone that pursuing anything with them is pretty much pointless and they truthfully should not waste their time and yet they STILL do then they have no reason to be mad with you later down the road now do they? Now I've done this to some extent but I did realise that indeed alot of it was my fault for wanting to believe the best in the person so hey I got over it. But if someone insists that you should not try to get involved with them then there is a reason. They know their issues somewhat better than you do and they know what they are capable of dealing with at that particular moment. So just stay away and save yourself the heartache. Don't go trying to be a saviour cus you're going to end up hurting yourself in the end.

Next time leave it at just friends. Altho it seems that even that has it's wonderful complications and can still earn you a cuss out about your approach to relationships. :S Clearly I've missed alot of things over the years.

It just seems that the more you try to avoid things the more you or at least your name gets pulled into it. :S I really doan want to be in any funny business.

And just for one Misery I am not miserable :P Was just wondering why is it life tends to throw you curve balls at the strangest times. Truth be told I'm feeling times better these days. Still very pensive dare I say moody lol...nah not moody.....Ppl seem to expect me to be in one of two moods I realise...over the top happy or downrite seeing me just quiet seems to make others think something is wrong. I'm fine. And getting better. ^__^