All bow to the Queen!

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Cha this week was bare junk.

Only positive things coming out of it was that Mummy passed through the island on Thursday so I got to spend somet time with her. Saw Drew up at the airport. Poor guy had to wait I think like two hours for his cousin's plane since it got delayed. Bare ppl was coming back from Carnival tho. Cha!!!

Wuh else was positive...oh yeah I got paid. Whoot eh? stupse. Money matters I tell you.

Oh rite and I want to see that film so bad!!! The Passion of the Christ. cha. So right now I am in the studio at work and only a few mins ago I did a lil segment on the film. And some chica called me and asked me if I am a Christian. I was like yeah are you? She said she was. Then she asked me if I was going to see the film. Hell yeah!! (probably not the most appropriate response considering the nature of the film:$ but she got waht I meant) My girl's tone changed instantly when I said I was going....she couldn't believe I was going..she was sooo disapproving and I could not understand why!! IMHO everyone should go see this film. Christians and non believers alike. I can tell you rite now I can't wait to see this thing.....I just cannot wait.......


I need a pair of shades tho.......that and some new earrings yeah? Hope I could some ones that doan break de pocket. I trying to save as much cag as possible.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Just for one day...I wish that parents and their kids would be able to see into each other's minds so they would really know what the other was thinking. Alot will be disappointed.....but I do think that far more would realise that the other isn't as bad as they had orginally thought.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Well the weekend turned out to be rather fun. Old friends and new. Although lately I'm being accused of spending time with my new friends and neglecting my old ones. I'll have to take a closer look at that.

So Saturday I finally got my phone. Thank God cus for a second I swore he was gonna run off with it. :S Doan look at me like that ...I was anxious to play with it.

I spent the better part of the ride home trying to figure out the different functions. Surprised myself when I had a rather interesting discussion with this rasta guy about the whole war on Iraq affair. Actually we talked about alot of things. I normally don't talk to people on the bus. I get real wary of people who want to strike up convo's. Doan ask why alrite lol.

Rite I off track tho...SO..went to the movies ..double feature actually...saw Paycheck again and saw Along Came Polly. LOL that movie was soo much kixx!! "look me straight in my eyeball" Hahahahahaha!! That Frenchman was too nutty. oops....that can be taken in soo many ways considering he was a nudist....:S

Had a really embarassing experience just b4 the movie started. I was goofing off with Ian (buddy o mine) and I said "meep" which tends to freak him out.....would y'all believe this dude two rows in front of us turns around and says "Are you Ana?". 0_0

So being the articulate girl that I am my reply was ......" depends..who the hell are you?"

lol turns out it was....wait for it.........*drumroll*...Splinter Cell! lol so yes finally we met altho I totally forgot you were going to be there. However it was nice to meet you. ^_^

Anyway after the movie the four of us ..Laura, Drew, Ian and myself went off to get some pizza at Paradise Pizza. I've become a convert. That pizza went down so good. Now I know health fanatics like Daana gin come in hay and lecture me but you gotta taste that stuff!!
There was kareoke but Laura refused to lead the way so none of us sang. All that happened was we laughed at the dude who was singing and talked about how perfectly sappy the music vids for kareoke was. They really are very stupid.

So from there we went to Crocodile Den so I could whip Drew's butt at air hockey but alas! that table was out of order. So we ended up playing pool. Well I mostly watched but Miss B seemed to know what she was doing. ^_^

There was entertainment for the nite.....three.....transsexuals....doing some show numbers in some numbers that would make Daana blush. *me shakes head* The whole thing was soo bizarre. And they were insulting ppl in the crowd worse than women do. :| It was....too weird.

After that we had one more game o pool then it was homeward bound.

That night was the highlight of the whole weekend cus Sunday was my day to sleep. In any case the current went Kaput and that would have put a damper on any other plans.

So how was your weekend?? :)

Saturday, February 21, 2004


I dislike a good few of them. Especially the ones that lie. There is no point to saying you're gonna do something when you know you have zero intention of doing it. And what's worse you compound the situation with another nasty lie as to why you couldn't do what you promised.
I also hate users. I suppose at some point in our lives each of us does use someone for what we can get from them....but there are some who do it continually...the ones who pop back up in your life to suck the life right out of I hate ppl.

*sigh* I dunno why I take on things though when I KNOW how certain people are. By now you would think that I'd be used to it or at least know to avoid it. Perhaps I am glutton for punishment...or maybe I just want to think the best of them the way I try to think the best of everyone else. Maybe I am better off not trusting people on a whole. But where is that going to get me? Bitter alone and without a friend. And I rather like having people I can relate to so I guess the shut the world off approach will remain in the past.

In other less depressing news (lol) Miss Kiwi has landed in TnT. Safely. And to be honest I am thankful for that. Be safe chica.

Looking for a new job. Feel so incredibly insecure in this present one which most of you should have guessed by now. lol I am so sick of ppl asking me what's going on since to be honest I am in the dark myself. And all they're asking is so what are you going to do?? And it's pissing me off. Stop asking me questions I don't have answers to. The whole thing is really fustrating. Damn I am even avoiding calling my best friend cus I doan want to answer his questions. I really just cannot deal....

I meant this not to be depressing you know....

Well ok one other piece of good news is that I got a free phone from Digicell AND it's the one I wanted the Samsung A800. Donald O Shaughnessy is just a very nice guy. Surprised me I gotta tell yah. ^__^ Well the best of luck to him and Digicell.

Squat to do today. Might try to catch that double feature at Olympus with Laura and the rest. Maybe pizza after if the budget day tekking long lol.

Gotta remember to talk to Naolat and Marisa about that outing next week. I keep darn well forgetting. :S

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Things will get better

That's what I keep telling myself.

This week has never looked more bleak. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have an idea of what I am talking about. I am quite literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown. What is it with employers? You give them your all and then they turn around and expect you to perform miracles? You don't complain instead you try to be that perfect employee who just makes it their business to help out. And what? Some dangerous heffa gin come and start trouble.

That's just a part of the equation. Now I gotta look for new job cus things around here are looking iffy as hell. (sorry spi) And I refuse to get dragged down...well any further into this mess. Right now I got a knot the size of a fist in my neck and I feel extremely ill. Before the day is out I'm either going to scream or cry. Possibly both. Oh and this isn't me being dramatic. This is months of anger and fustration and utter and total disbelief coming to the fore.

If I see that man today and he tells me any junk I feel I might curse him. HOW can you l eave ppl u say you treasure so much in the dark? How can you do this to ppl. ?? They have lives! Families!! BILLS LIKE HELL!!!!

oh God I just don't know what to do I have never felt so lost and so completely out in the dark before. I just don't know what to do.

Monday, February 16, 2004

lol ok so the weekend was surprisingly fun.

Finished work on Saturday and linked up with Laura at Quayside to get some coffee. Before seeing her tho I ran into Amanda a.k.a Midnite Heart and Paula. Sat and chatted with them for a bit before I saw Laura wandering around looking like she was lost.

Saw the funniest thing in the Cable and Wireless branch there. Was looking at the decor and noticed t his girl holding a phone. And upon closer inspection realised it was an AT&T phone in the logo said AT& Cable and Wireless...irony anyone?

From there we went to Sheraton and miss thang got her brows done and bought new shades boh. :P
Got me thinking that I need to pamper myself. So at the end of the month when I get paid Imma gonna get my nails done, my brows done a little cus I hate thin brows and mine are naturally thick so I keeping um that way.

Might get my hair braided now that I think about it. No stress on the mornings for awhile. Yea all in preparation for that nite out eh girlies? ^__^ Wunna frauds best doan disappoint me. :@

Anyway movies was good company was good day was good.


Saturday, February 14, 2004

Valentine's...BAH!! lol

So a friend of mine asked me something the other day that stuck with me.
She asked me why choose him when you could have had him? I laughed when she asked me that.
Granted the other guy was super sweet (sometimes too sweet it drove me a little nuts to be honest) and the other guys was.....sweet too but he seemed a bit more real. *shrugs*
Guy No 1 was around far longer that Guy No 2. He was like Mr Confidante when I was going thru that I hate Mr Ex phase. I told him alot of things. In fact I think I may have told him too much....I don't remember much cus those months are a blur. Times I rather forget. Not cus of him tho.
But answer her question it's simply cuz I felt for him and I didn't feel for Guy No 2. *shrugs*
You cannot predict who you're gonna be attracted to or even the reasons why. Even though he behaved like a royal pig and never saw that he could've been wrong which resulted in this....can't say impasse cus this feels permanent......the termination of this friendship....I will still remember that they were there for me when I needed it.

That is the last time I embark on any such fact finding mission with a friend tho I can tell y'all that LOL. Weird..I never even told Kim about it...:S

~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ C.O.T @~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@

I'm a thief. so bite me!! lol

So went shopping with my boo for his boo's valentine's stuff. Ah she is one lucky girl. Chocolate and chocolate mousse galore. He can't stand out Flindt's to save his life. tsk tsk. So he has the rose waiting to be picked up.....*looks at watch* well now actually!He has the speshul CD ready lol, the blanket (hmmm) and of course the cute bear I helped picked out. Can't believe he mek me walk through town wid he for all of that time doh. My face was quite predictably bent that is until I saw all the bears and went nuts. Lol. I am super weird. I stood up in Cave Shepard and told him off for saying that a bear wasn't cute.

"Don't you think she heard you?? How do you think that's gonna make her feel?? Bears have feelings too ya kno!!"

And then there was the Pooh saga. This woman was there observing this bear contemplating whether to purchase it. And me wid my obnoxious self said "Oh god I hate Pooh. What self respecting bear lives in a tree and eats honey I ask you? And check it..all o that honey gone straight to he tummy, Shirt can't even fit over it."

lol doan ask why but I was in my insane trash talk mode yesterday. Point is we got what we needed.

So we also went to see Miss Giggles before we did more searching and on the way out of town I went and hailed up (lol) Miss B and to see her new one which the lucky heffa got for only 8 bucks. :@

When am I gonna get my phone??

~@~@~@~@ C.O.T ~@~@~@~@~

My idiot taxi driver nearly ran over the most darling little puppy today (I am so gonna fire his hiney)

Wunna ain know de amount of felines I have witnessed being murdered since I started using this guy. (does that make me an accomplice to the crime??)

I mean it's just a baby!! He flying down de road and there rite there in front of us just a few yards away is the little brown ball of fur with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. So finally he slow de car and trying to inch past it and would you believe the little rascal tried to inch up under the wheel?? So I was like "Stop the car" got out picked it up and put it to the side of the road and got back in the car. By de time I do that wunna believe it was back under the wheel again? I couldn't help but laugh. It was just too cute. So out Mel gets again to pick up said puppy and this time I put her on what I could only presume was her owner's lawn. Then it was back in de car and off to work.

I dunno why but that little encounter just warmed me all over. Babies and puppies. My weakness lol.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Weekend is here!!!

I am in love with Brandon Boyd. *sigh* I have a thing for guys that sing....well. Lemme just stress the well part boh lol. I dunno why but his voice just sends me. ^__^

So the song that I can't stop listening to right now is Megalomaniac by Incubus. Can't stop watching the vid either and to be honest I've been trying to get all my friends to watch it too. *blush* Some ppl will be super offended when they see it but personally I think that's cause they don't have open minds. The song is quite meaningful and the video will blow your mind. The main theme is Hitler and Nazism. There's a part where they're feeing this baby oil and if you're keen on your current affairs'll know what that is all about. The bit with the eagle biting off people's head.....classic.


So has anyone been seeing these new Pepsi ads? ahahahahaha they are sooo funny!! I've seen three so far. One with that girl of the Parkers, one with this little boy and the other one with the polar bears.

You guys can check both the ads and that particular vid at ^__^.

Oh yeah and good luck to Misery a.k.a Kewwie who is going on vacation today and off to T & T next week to get her party on lol. Have fun girlie and doan trouble Boris too bad hear? *rolls eyes*

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Right now I am super sleepy so I cannot be held responsible if I say something that may be deemed inappropriate.


Ok so didn't make it to that Digicell thing last night since Annie wasn't going anymore and I didn't feel like knocking about looking for any of the other people I said I was gonna meet. Thank God I had a cell so I could call them and let them know I was no longer coming. So what really happened was that I ran into Justin when I was town making my way back to work to link up with Annie. So stopped and chatted with him for a bit then found out he was heading up Oistins and so I got a lift up the road. Ended up linking up with Laura and Drew and we all spent maybe about an hour just liming and playing air hockey. *ugh* I can't believe she beat me.:@

Drew thrashed her tho so :p lol. So after that we all split up and Justin and I went for some food and he took me home. Watched some of the show with the kids then I hit me bed. ^__^

The night turned out far better for me tho cus I just wasn't able to cope with that madness last night. Having to go thru all those ppl to find my friends? nooooo thank you. As it was I still got to hang out with some peeps, had some laughs and then went home. and got home early too!! Then again Jus was tired and I didn't want him out late cus I figured he'd want to rest.

Oh man I saw Armando with the phone I want last night! It is so pretty and so tiny!! It is a girl's phone I am telling you!! It's the Samsung A800...either that or I want the Panasonic GD88. ^__^

And evidently Laura NOW figure out WHO Armando is. We had a good laugh over that one. :p

But THAT is not what's important here!!

Point here is...I want that phone....


Hey that's kinda pretty!!

Nehoos so I woke up this morning to find our refridgerator door off.

And I have a pretty good idea who broke it off. But you know what? He ain gin want nobody to make noise or even mention that he did it cus it's him that did it. How ridiculous is that I ask you? That fateful morning when the stove knob somehow popped off when I was using the stove he behave like I had committed a criminal offence.

And it's not as if it came off in my hand anyway. I turned on the stove and went to the sink then when I turn around I hear *pop* and there it was on the floor. Who would've thunk that would happen??

Well I guess this is gonna blow over like everything else he does. Parents does get way wid some junk fuhreal.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Funny thing happened this morning. Was talking to a friend and he asked me so what are your plans for the weekend. I was like to doan know to be honest. Then he was like no significant other to spend it with. It confused me why he asked me that for a second then I remembered...oh yeah..this weekend is Valentine's. lol. I had HONESTLY forgotten about the whole affair despite seeing red and white everywhere I go.
So then Corey better known as Boo call me last night to tell me he wants to shopping on Friday for something for his gf. And she wants me to help her plan their day together. 0_0 Madness I am telling you!

I have no idea if I'm gonna feel down when Saturday comes but for right now I'm pretty ok. I mean it's just another day. *shrugs*

Well for those of you out there who have someone to celebrate it with...and by that I mean a significant other cus ppl doan be checking fuh family on that day :P....enjoy it and remember why you're with that person. Cus you love em rite? K enuff of that mushy crap!!

So Kickboxing is going well had another class yesterday where we did some more kicks and punches and it went alot better this time. We did some abwork yesterday but for some reasong I doan think we're doing enuff of it. When I leave to go home I always have soreness in my thighs and just a lil bit of soreness in my upper body. I think I should be sore all over!!! That sounds strange right? lol But when I feel sore I know that is cus I got a good workout. So I n eed to feel that in my shoulders dangit. And again I will say it...reverse crunches ARE the devil.

Oh and I've quit eating on an evening since when I get home I am very tired and all I do is take a shower and read a little then go to bed. So eating is out of the question.

So Digicell is launching today and I wanted to go to the launch party...however Bajans and freeness is not a good idea lol. In any case I don't know any guys who are going so you can at least FEEL protected and Scott and Annie ain even sure dem going. *shrugs* So wuh to do with my evening? Time will tell.

Oh yeah I plan on getting one of those phones but I don't have the 2 something rite now. So.....any of you lovely ppl wanna loan me the cash??? ^__^

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So yesterday I started learning different punches and kicks. It was fun altho of course it being my first time doing that particular feat I wasn't great. *sigh* I do so hate admitting that I am not good at something. I do. But with time and effort things get better.

I swear an ant just bit me....hard too.

Years of wearing glasses....still haven't left me. lol everytime I go to take a nap I am always like...going to take off something that isn't there. And then I feel like a total twerp.

I feel like taking up another activity. I need something to occupy my time. I have got several books I want to finish actually but for some reason this woman seems soo boring...her psuedonym is Carol Drinkwater for crying out loud. I mean gimme a break now. /me shakes head

Sicko Moore keeps encouraging me to become a lesbian. I don't know why. Actually I do. He claims that in order to make our morning convos more interesting I need to do this so I can entertain him. I dunno how else I can explain to him that I REALLY don't go that route. Even if it means forfeiting our evergrowing friendship. :P

So I need a new phone...yes I said need. The old one is starting to bug me especially when certain ppl *glares at Omari* insist on telling me at every turn just how old it is. Digicell's rates are supposed to be coming out today so I guess we'll see how that goes.

Monday, February 09, 2004

If not for him....

(8) Now Behold the Lamb, the precious Lamb of God,
Born into sin that I may live again.
The precious Lamb of God (8)

So last night was......unbelievable....I heard things that blew my mind....

There I was thinking it was going to be a rather ok know trash the girls at mini-golf lol then off to get some grub at TnT then head so did not work out that way. First off the weather caused the golf course to be closed so we just decided to go down by Chefette and get something to eat. Now Keela's mum had done some chicken the dilemma now was how to smuggle em into Chefette without getting caught. LOL. So check Abby walking into the restaurant under the pretense of carrying our jackets and sweaters so the guard wouldn't notice. We ended up sitting in the BBQ Barn section where it was half lit :$.

Of course we bought other stuff like fries and drinks and salads you know so we wouldn't get kicked out LOL.

But I digress....rite so we were was only about five of us..the ones who were crazy enuff to brave the weather....Keela (b'day girl), Shak, Abby, Lexi and myself. So we were just all sitting there talking about any and everything then the topic turned to Lexi and why she had moved back home with her parents....

Damn....these girls hav been thru so much it makes my own life seem like nothing...All I can say is that if it wasn't for God I dunno where any of them would be.....they've been through some crap. I won't give details here cus it's there biz and I ain talking it out. But the more stuff kept coming out the more burdened I became to know that this stuff was going on and I mean no one was there for them...not even me.

First off me and Lexi never really used to's just like last year when she was staying near me that we got to talking and she seemed cool. I always wondered why she had moved out but I n ever asked cus the way i saw it since we never that close what rite did I h ave questioning the girl?

But I should have asked..and I SHOULD have made a bigger effort to call her and be there for her.

I may sound like I am rambling...sorry lol....but the things I heard these girls went through...I KNOW it's not my fault it happened yet for some reason I felt responsible...and I just wanted to cry....

Then lo and behold lol....Now Behold the Lamb came on...I mean REAL love songs was playing...and the ONLY gospel song that came on was that....and that just dun it up...the five of us just sat there speechless...tears were running down my face and Lexi was trembling so bad and I was just there holding her...the others just sat there whispering to God. That song is so powerful...SO powerful.....look words cannot describe.......

Well after the song was done we just stayed quiet for a bit then we went back talking again and just getting everything out in the open..... I just saw parts of these girls I never fathomed were there....But I loved them all for the more for it...the fact that they knew they had made these mistakes and admitted it was just amazing to me. I don't think they would have been so open if any of the older girls were there though....God knew what he was doing...that stuff HAD to come out...

So from the time we had started talking about certain things Something kept telling me we needed to pray and pray in earnest before we left there. And I didn't want to be the one to suggest it. Cus I was there thinking come on Mel that is church stuff leave it there and enjoy the night out...but I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself if we hadn't.

So when Keela's mum came to pick us up I said that we really couldnt leave without praying. So you know what happened? We stood rite there in the carpark joined hands and prayed. For a good 10 minutes or so we just stood and prayed and thanked God for just being there and for just bringing us together that night.

I went home with mixed feelings ....sad to know that they had been through what they have been throught and yet so thankful that God had brought them through.

Truth be told...If it wasn't for God ...who knows where any of us would be?

Saturday, February 07, 2004


Sue me George. :P

Went nowhere tonite but BOY am I thankful. Cha I was so tired!! Didn't even go work this morning I was so out of it. Woke up despite not having my cell phone to wake me up and then I realised...hey I can't move lol.

So no work for me today. Got up like 11 :$ so shameful ...and cleaned house like a good lil girl then it was off to the hairdresser's.

So got my hair done came home and did some washing up...guys called me to go out but I just wasn't feeling it so home I am. ^__^

Now I am just sleepy...

Well mini golf tomorrow with Keela and Co. They better get me home early is all I got to say. lol.

Friday, February 06, 2004

What a week ^_^

an aside....THAT man is so full of crap.

Moving along....

It's been a superb week and I can't believe it!!! I honestly thought it was gonna suck what with the news I got early up but it hasn't turned out too badly. ^__^. Went shopping for church stuff on Monday with Shaq who I must remember to go shopping with again next month cus she actually knows what she is doing. Shock of my life lol. We picked out this supercute skirt that kinda hugs what little hips I have lol and then flares slightly at the bottom. Then we got this black and white top that looks so chic if I do say so myself. We got something else as well but those are the two that really matter. ^__^.

Then on Tuesday finally met one Marisa a.ka. Thick who is really cool. We had arranged to meet at the back of Cave Shepard but somewhere along the line we got our signals crossed and she was at the front.At least I think I said the back....nehoos! Point is we found each other and it was off to kickboxing!!

Yesterday was my second day at the thing and it went alot better than the first day cus I actually had some idea of what I was doing. We worked soo hard yesterday my thighs and my tummy are killing me. But it's a nice pain to be honest cus at least I know it came from something good. I guess pain sometimes can be fun? *rolls eyes*

I gotta say I am real pleased with how far I've come these past couple years. Before 2003 I was a total introvert. Never used to talk to anyone. I didn't want to try anything new cus I was afraid I would make a total idiot of myself. I dunno what happened to make me change but I am glad it did. *shrugs*

And lots of people played a part in it. Tonya the loudest person I know lol, Annie who's been a super friend and a real big sis to me, Gail from church who was always there to give me encouragement when I really needed it and she was the one who encouraged me to come back to that church. Let's see how that works out hmmm.

Even Mr Herbert who can be a real jerk when he's ready. He gave me a place that I could get away from things sometimes. Whether it was the movies or hanging out or whatever it was still fun and I needed that fun break sometimes. *rolls eyes* He ain't a saint but he's not the Devil...not yet anyway lol.

Even peeps like Ian and Morris who are supercorny and just make me laugh with the crap they talk. Weirdos like spidude (bah!) Miss B and even Kewwie who've allowed me to vent when I needed to. You all helped me alot this past year and I really appreciate it.

Well the weekend is here and there's lots to do. Saturday is Keela's b'day outing (golf and spareribs so it's been said) and Sunday is my friend's wife's baby shower. I gotta help out with snacks. ^__^

Well here's hoping we ALL have a great weekend. Laters!!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Nothing new to report really. But since Giggz harassed me to blog (what your life isn't boring enuff without having to read mine??:P) i guess I'll do it.
For right now feeling a little down since a certain person is still not speaking to me. Although they have no reason to do so since they were supermean to me first. And so a mutual not speaking to began and it continues. Althougth if I have learned anything about them in the short time we have been speaking the blame for this situation is gonna be put on me. I don't think I have anything to apologize for but I am sure they are saying the same thing. *shrugs* oh wells life goes on. That's right you know who you are. Smile and move along. -----> thataway. ^__^

So wow I am not speaking to quite a few ppl actually. Daddy is on a semi perma ban. Cus let's just face it he's a jerk on a whole. Honor thy father and thy mother....well Provoke thy children not to wrath buddy.

My brother is always's the biggest mystery ever. I don't mind helping the kids out with money and stuff for school but dude what are you doing with all that cag I KNOW ur making??

I wish this office snoop would leave the building. Can't chat in peace and quiet. stupse.

So as you can see life right now is superboring and it better stay that way. I'm not the only person who wants no drama in my life lol.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

You wanna mess with me?? HUH??

SO!!! Yesterday was my first day at the fitness kickboxing class. And to be honest I LOVED it!! ^__^

As I predicted I have like no co ordination whatsoever lol but it was fun nonetheless cus there were two other ppl there who sucked too!! Yay me!! lol. So we did about an hour's worth of exercising. A session of aerobics which incorportated kickboxing and then it was matwork which was so bizarre cus that man had us in some positions that weren't at all modest. *blushes*

But I could definitely feel the burn. God there was point I felt like something in my thighs was gonna pop. We stretched THAT hard. 0_0

Wanted to stay around for Marisa's (the gal I went with) other class b ut mum needed some groceries so Mel the loveable child that she is went off to the supermarket to get em.

Got home, showered and embraced my pillow like there was no tomorrow.

Can't wait until tomorrow for my next class!!!

Monday, February 02, 2004

Fave Song at the Moment.

Three Days Grace - I hate Everything About You.

It's the guitars at the start that get me. ^__^

So this weekend was not a total bust.

Went QC pageant which as most of you now know ended super early cus some smart cow decided to buss a cap or something so. But the show was no entirely horrible...although Bajans have no behaviour whatsoever. I think that is gonna be my last pageant.

So then Sunday was Last Samurai which I almost did not make cus I couldn't get a ride and there was no was I was gonna spend 40 something bucks just to go Olympus. That right there fail. Managed to get a ride with another zanzer who came superlate.

*sigh* Now don't think me ungrateful cus I was VERY thankful for the ride. But I HATE when ppl are late!! Movie started at 8 15 and dude came for me at 8 y'all. And most of you know that my house ain nowhere near Sheraton.

But luck was on our side and we got there JUST as the previews were ending. So much thanks to Laura who had tickets and seats sorted by the time we got there. Movie was good tho I must admit. We had some clowns sitting behind us and one's only concern was when Cruise was gonna sleep with the Samurai chief sister. stupse. Idiot that he was.

Got home like 11 30 and of course the drama started. Not on my side I let him say what he wanted and then went to bed.

Hear this crap..My boss called me when I was out and my niece took the msg. She was like Scott called asking you something about the office key.

So me now bewildered was like Huh? His office key? what would I be doing with his office key?


So I just did the blank out thing and was like "So Gabby did he leave his number so I could call him?"

Stupse. My father just wants me to pop something. I refuse to let him get on my nerves. I got my own issues. hehehehe. I do honest. :$

ok just got some rather bad's gonna be a looonnnnnggggggg week for Mel. >_<